
Effects of the construction of the Uganda Railway

  The construction of the line brought far-reaching political, economic, and social effects on the people of East Africa and these were; 

  • Transport and communication from the interior to the coast were eased. Uganda was therefore opened up for exploitation of her natural resources. The journey that used to take months was now covered in a week. East African was therefore opened to the outside world. 
  • 2. The line stimulated economic growth and promoted international and local trade. Agricultural products could now be exported using the railway. After the line had reached Kampala in 1931, it was extended to areas of agricultural potential like Soroti and Pakwach. Copper in Kasese was exploited. 
  • 3. The construction to the line stimulated the growing of cash crops. Kenneth Borup introduced cotton in Uganda. In Kenya, Charlse Eliot encouraged the growing of cash crops (cotton)in order to recover the monies “lost” on the project. 
  • 4. Towns developed especially along the railway routes, such towns include; Kisumu, Nakuru, Eldorat, Tororo, Jinja etc. The Kalindini harbor was also developed. Mostof these towns developed because of the many European and Indian businesses established. 
  • 5. There was loss of lives. Those who proved stubborn – refusing the line to pass through their lands were killed. The Nandi Leader (Orkoiyot) Koitale and many of the Nandi were killed to allow construction work to go on.
  •  6. The construction of the lines brought Indians into East Africa. A fifth of all the Coolies who came to construct the railway remained behind to do business and establish shops along the railway routes. Others came as drivers, clerical officers, and station managers. 
  • 7. It caused an invasion of Europeans into East Africa. These came to trade and do agriculture. For example, the white settlers took over the Kenyan highlands. This later led to racism in Kenya.


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  1. nice