

Tanganyika African National Union (TANU) originated from Tanganyika African Association (TAA) which was formed in 1922 by Martin Kayamba.  

 TAA on its formation opened many branches all over Tanganyika and it was a national party by 1939. 

Its members moved around in villages and urban centres in Tanganyika and rallied wide support among Africans. 

 The major concern of TAA was the slow progress in constitutional changes as by 1951 there were only four Africans on the Executive council. 

 TAA was transformed into TANU on 7th July, 1954 in a conference held in Dar es Salaam by Julius Nyerere who had just returned from studies in Britain and was elected chairman of TAA. 

It was therefore Julius Nyerere who turned TANU into a nationwide party after transforming it from TAA. 

TANU therefore was a national fundamental mass national party that was not based on ethnic ground and the members consisted of educated Africans and rural peasants and miners. 

It made it clear that Tanganyika was an African territory and must be governed by majorly Africans. 

Since Tanganyika was a mandate state under UN Trust Territories of the UN Trusteeship Council, TANU presented a report to the UNO visiting team proposing independence to Tanganyika. 

Nyerere as the president of TANU visited the UN Secretariat in New York to explain TANU’s aims. He pressed for support and in the end he won much sympathy and respect. 

TANU in 1957 demanded for independence within two years. 

It demanded for elections reform of one man one vote which was rejected. Nyerere, its president then resigned his seat on the Legislative Council (LEGICO). 

In 1958 elections TANU won a land slide victory to the LEGICO. 

TANU got ministerial posts in 1959 when the British appointed five of its members to form part of the 12 man-council of ministers. 

TANU also won the 1960 elections in which Nyerere became the Chief Minister. 

It also brought national unity among the people of Tanganyika because it was a national party for both the educated and uneducated. 

 It worked closely with Governor Richard Turnbull to speed up the independence process for Tanganyika. 

TANU requested for independence and on 9th December 1961, Tanganyika was granted. 

It also campaigned for the economic and social progress of Africans such as better wages and agricultural production. 

TANU promoted education in Tanganyika. 

It made most of the workers in the civil service to be Africans. Special training scheme was organise to make the Africans gain skills in work. 

It promoted infrastructural development in Tanganyika, for example road development. 

It mobilized for support from the trade unions. 

 Through its peaceful approach, it made the British government to carry out political and constitutional changes in Tanganyika. 

Tanganyika became a one party state in 1963, under TANU. 

Tanganyika united with Zanzibar to form Tanzania in 1964 under TANU. 

TANU identified and cultivated a good leader, Julius Nyerere as a capable, hardworking, foresighted and devoted leader. 

 In 1977, TANU combined with Afro-Shiraz Party (a party in Zanzibar) to form Chama Chama Mapinduzi (CCM), Tanzania’s ruling party.


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