

the following are similarities between  the sotho and the nguni

  •  They all spoke the Bantu language 
  • They belonged to the negroid race of West Africa 
  • They moved to South Africa about 2000 years ago 
  • They shared the suffix “ndu and ntu” in their language. 
  •  Their leadership was hereditary 
  •  The chiefs had absolute control over the land, religion, and economic welfare of the state. 
  •  They all established a standing army during the period of Mfecane
  • The family was the smallest unit among them 
  • They carried out initiation ceremonies like circumcision every after six or seven years. 
  •  They considered the spirit of the dead so much.
  •   Land was communally owned in their societies. 
  • The societies were built up basing on military power 
  • They were cultivators who grew millet, pumpkins, and calabashes. 
  • They carried out cattle raiding. 
  • They were pastorals who reared cattle, sheep, and goats. 
  • They trade with their neighbors especially the Europeans 
  • The chiefs had a council of advisers formed by elder men. 
  • Tribe made their biggest social unit. 
  • A council of elders which was made up of all elder people practiced justice in their society. 
  • Europeans like the Dutch, British affected their political, social and economic life. 
  • Circumcision of boys was vital at the age of 6 and 7 because it initiated them to adulthood.


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