


  • 1945, The African members to the Tanganyika legislative Council numbered two only. 
  • 1946, African representatives in Tanganyika increased to three. 
  • 1947-1951, the African representatives to the legislative council had nine Africans, nine Europeans and nine Asians. 
  • 1955, Dr. Julius Nyerere became president of Tanganyika African Association. 
  • 1954, Tanganyika African Association was changed to Tanganyika African Nation at Union. 
  • 1954, a United Nations mission paid a visit to Tanganyika. . 
  • 1957, Nyerere was appointed as a member of the Legislative Council. 
  • 1960, TANU advocated for the achievement, of independence in 1961. 
  • 1961 9th September, Tanganyika gained full independence with Nyerere as the first president. 


  • 1941, Nsibirwa resigned as the Katikiro. 
  • 1941 Samwiri Wamala replaced Nsibirwa as the new Katikiro. 
  • 1945, Strikes everywhere in Buganda. 
  • 1945, July restoration of Nsibirwa as Katikiro. 
  • 1945 September, Nsibirwa died. (assassinated) 
  • 1946, M. Kawalya- Kagwa became the new Katikiro. 
  • 1946, New confusion in Buganda. 
  • 1946, election were organized that led to 31 Baganda chosen as representatives. 
  • 1949, New Volcano (uprising) and the blame was put on to the Bataka. 
  • 1949, the British demanded that some chiefs be removed from the council. 
  •  1949, after the riots, its leaders were arrested; the Bataka Party and African Union came to an end. 
  • 1950, 8 Africans were among those of other provinces. 
  • 1953, the Africans on the Legislative council increased to fourteen (14). 
  • 1955, the Kabaka was deposed. 
  •  By 1961, there were 2 outstanding parties in Uganda, that is to say D.P led by Benedicto Kiwanuka and UPC led by Dr. Milton Obote. 
  • 9th October 1962, Uganda achieved independence. 


  • 1920, The Kikuyu Association was formed to defend African land from Europeans. 
  • 1921, other political parties came into existence like the Young Kikuyu Association, the young Kavirondo association in Nyanza, etc. 
  • 1925, the Kikuyu Central Association asked the Hilton Young Commission to consider appointment of Africans to the Legislative Council. 
  • 1929, the famous conflict between the members of the Church Missionary Society and the Kikuyu Association erupted. 
  • 1930 The Native Land Trust Ordinance was passed to solve Land problems for Africans. 
  • 1934 North Kavirondo Central Association was formed following the threat brought about by the discovery of Gold at Kakamega. 
  • 1938, Saw the formation of the Kikuyu Provincial Association Thuku followed by the Kamba Members Association. 
  • 1939 The Kikuyu Central association and the Labour trade union staged a strike at Mombasa. 
  • 1946, the Kenya African Union was formed by Eliad Mathu with James Gichuru as its chairman. But when Kenyatta returned from England, he became the chairman of the party. 
  • 1948 the Kenya Land and Freedom Army was formed. It was later refereed to as the MauMau. 
  • 1952 The MAU-MAU Rebellion was in full gear. 
  • 1954, the governor began to take drastic measures to help the situation. 26000 Kikuyu were arrested in Nairobi because they could not state why they had come to Nairobi. 
  • 1955, The Mau-Mau leader, General China was captured in the regions of Mt. Kenya. 
  • 1960, Two new political parties were born that is KANU and KADU. 
  • 1961 Kenyatta was released from prison and two months later he became the president of KANU. 
  • 1962 Kenyatta became a member of the legislative council and tried to bring KANU and KADU together but failed because whereas KANU advocated a centralized system of government, KADU wanted Regionalism. 
  • 1963, Kenya became independent and Kenyatta became the Prime Minister


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