

 The following are factors that led to the rise and awakening of nationalism in Uganda

  • The attaining of education later by some people in Uganda like Ignatius Musaazi, Milton Obote and others who mobilized the people. 
  • Formation of several political parties like Uganda People’s Congress, Uganda National Congress, Democratic Party, Progressive Party, KabakaYekka and others brought some unity in Uganda. 
  • The role of trade unions, for example in 1945, Ignatius Musaazi formed the Uganda Farmers’ Federation. Later this was turned into the “Uganda Farmer’s Union” in 1960, and these trade unions drew people closer. 
  • When Sir Andrew Cohen was appointed as Governor in Uganda, he increased the number of Ugandans sitting on the legislative council, that is to say by 11th August, 1953 out of 28 members, at least 14 were Ugandans. 
  • The effect of the 2nd world war that ended in 1945 led to several ex-service men into Uganda and this led to nationalism. 
  • The role played by United Nations organization that inspired Uganda into self rule. 
  • The influence of the Mau-Mau rebellion of Kenya opened up the minds of Ugandans into active politics. 
  • The role played by the press. They spread propaganda all over the country, hence awakening people. 
  • The effects of colonialism ranging from exploitation to oppression. 
  • Later towns like Jinja, Entebbe, and Kampala grew which acted as colleting centres to Ugandans. 
  • The British policy of favouring Buganda tended to unite all other tribes together against Buganda. 
  • Colonial infrastructural development, for example schools, roads and railways led to reawakening of nationalism in Uganda. 
  • The 1945 Manchester Conference inspired several Baganda into active politics. 
  • The getting of independence by the Asian countries like India further instigated Ugandans, for example in 1960, Nehru the Prime-Minster of India invited Milton Obote at Bangalore and they discussed ways of getting independence. 
  • The influence of the Kabaka crisis of 1953 that made Baganda to turn against the British and unite with other Ugandans who had already fallen out with the British. 
  • The influence of the Egyptian revolution of 1952.Musaazi opened up his UNC offices in Cairo. 
  • Influence of Western education. It also awakened the people of Uganda because through this education they became aware of the European intention of exploitation and later rebelled against them. 
  • Emergence of superpowers like America and Russia (USSR) that supported the issue of Self rule. 
  • The construction of Uganda railway provided easy transport to mobilize the youth. 
  • The signing of the Atlantic charter in 1941 by Roosevelt of the USA and Winston Churchill of Britain that stressed the importance of self rule. 
  • Ghana’s independence of 1957 showed the Ugandans that it’s possible to get independence.


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