

 The following are factors for the growth of nationalism in Tanzania

  • Nationalism refers to ones love for his country, it was the desire for East Africans to administer themselves thus it involved activities that aimed at gaining independence. 
  • The Swahili language played a pivotal role or important role in uniting the masses in Tanzania. 
  • The rising of mass political parties such as TANU united the Tanzanians for independence. 
  •  The inspirational role of Julius Nyerere who inspired and encouraged the Tanzanians to unite against the oppressive German rule. 
  • The role of UNO and its assistance towards the independence struggle of Tanzanians. 
  • The oppressive and exploitive German rule in Tanzania united the natives against the Germans as common enemies.
  •  Over taxation of the Tanzanians by the Germans also made them to develop Nationalism. 
  • The taking away of African land by the Germans forced the Africans against them. 
  • The example and inspiration got from the earlier Maji-Maji rebellion in Tanzania, though it was crushed, it later inspired the natives to rise up. 
  • The role of trade unions in Tanzania, for example the Tanganyika African Association and Bukoba- Bahaya Association that collected people together. 
  • Asian domination of Tanzania’s economy brought unity among the natives against foreigners. 
  • The inspiration provided by the Mau-Mau rebellion of 1952-1955 encouraged and motivated the people of Tanganyika. 
  • The effects of World War II exposed the war veterans to better military tactics and the German weaknesses among other things that made them to mobilize the people of Tanganyika to rebel. 
  • Western education obtained by people like Julius Nyerere made them to discover the exploitative tendencies of the Europeans. 
  • Rise of vibrant men like Julius Nyerere who provided able leadership to those who were struggling for independence. 
  •  Improved transport and communication net works in most parts of Tanganyika. 
  • The granting of independence to India and Pakistan in 1947 spread to Tanganyika in the 1950s when the war veterans demanded for independence. 
  •  The influence of the Egyptian revolution of 1952 encouraged the Kenyans. 
  • The success of the Algerian revolution of 1954 onwards inspired Kenyans. 
  • The early getting of independent by some African countries, for example Ghana in 1957.


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