

Benedicto Kiwanuka was born in May 1922 in the present day Masaka District.

He went to Villa Maria primary school and later to St. Peter’s Nsambya for his secondary education. Both were catholic schools.
Kiwanuka later joined the British army the “African Pioneer Corps” and served in the Second World War. He spent time in Kenya, Egypt, and Palestine. He later got the rank of sergeant Major in the colonial army.

After the war, he came back and worked in the High Court as a clerk and interpreter by 1947.
While working in the court, he developed an interest in the law profession. He then left for South Africa in the Basutoland where he studied Latin.
Between 1952 and 1965 Benedicto Kiwanuka went to London University and studied law.
On coming back in 1956 Kiwanuka joined legal profession as a lawyer.
In 1956, he joined the membership of the Democratic Party (DP) which was formed in 1954 by Joseph Kasolo.
In 1958 Kiwanuka became the president of DP and as the president of DP, he made a number of changes and the party became very active throughout the country.
Kiwanuka changed DP from just an association into a real political party to struggle for independence for the whole country.
Benedicto Kiwanuka was not in support of the idea of granting only Buganda separate independence. This made him to clash with the Buganda government over such politics.
He joined politics with the major aim of fighting colonial oppression rather than for material gains.
In the 1961 Legislative Council elections, DP under Kiwanuka won majority seats of 43 seats against UPC 35, UNC 1 and others 2. This election also led Uganda to self independence status. He therefore became the Chief Minister.
Kiwanuka led the DP delegation to the Uganda Constitutional Conference at the Lancaster House in London in October 1961.
Benedicto Kiwanuka at the Conference walkout in protest because of the agreement made between the Buganda government and the British government; for a separate government for Buganda Kingdom.
This was a clear indication that Benedicto Kiwanuka was a real Nationalist. In March 1962, Uganda got self government with Kiwanuka Benedicto as the first prime Minister.
In May 1962, fresh elections were held and DP under Benedicto Kiwanuka lost. Kiwanuka even lost in his constituency as a member of Legislative Council. There was a coalition between Kabaka Yekka (KY) under Mutesa II and UPC under Obote.
Benedicto Kiwanuka formed the opposition side.
In 1963, Kiwanuka was arrested by Obote who was by then the new Prime Minister of Uganda. He was later released.
In 1969, there was an attempted assassination on Obote. Kiwanuka was alleged to be one of the plotters. His DP party was then banned.
Kiwanuka and other several DP members including Paul Kawanga SSemogerere were arrested and imprisoned until 1971. They were released by Idi Amin when he took over power from Obote.
Benedicto Kiwanuka served in Amin’s government as the Chief Justice. While serving under Amin, he openly criticized violation of human rights and because of this; he fell out with Amin who even planned to kill him.
It’s alleged that he met his death when he judged a case against Amin’s government and a European who was arrested from Lugazi Sugar Works by Amin’s soldiers.
The case was presented to Benedicto Kiwanuka who dismissed it on the ground that the soldiers did not have arrest warrant and therefore had no “power” of arresting a person.
On 21st September 1972 Kiwanuka was picked up by force from his office at the High Court premise and taken to Makindye Military Police then to Lubiri Barracks. On 22nd September 1972 he was slaughtered by Amin himself, as rumour has it.
Benedicto Kiwanuka is remembered as one of Uganda’s greatest Nationalists who died for freedom, justice and human rights.


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