The crises of 1939-1945 was The Second World War which involved mainly Britain, France, Russia and the United States of America on the one hand and Germany, Italy and Japan on the other. The second world war was the necessary evil in Africa because it contributed tremendously to the rise of African nationalism by doing the following;
The crises of 1939-1945 was The Second World War which involved mainly Britain, France, Russia and the United States of America on the one hand and Germany, Italy and Japan on the other. The second world war was the necessary evil in Africa because it contributed tremendously to the rise of African nationalism by doing the following;
  • Rise of USA
After the Second World War the USA emerged as the leading economic and political power. The USA introduced the open door policy through which the USA needed raw materials, markets and areas for investment from overseas hence her support for decolonization became paramount so as to access to these needs in the colonies. The USA put decolonization as the pre-condition for European economic reconstruction which was the ‘’Marshall plan’’
  • Rise of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic
After the second world war, the USSR became the leading socialist power in the world. It declared that it will support morally and materially all nationalist struggle all over the world. Socialist ideology was against capitalism both practically and theoretically , thus USSR supported decolonization
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  • Increased exploitation of African resources
The second world war weakened the economic and military strength  of major powers such as Britain, France and Germany. This poor condition of the European powers forced them to increase the exploitation of African resources by intensifying land alienation and labor recruitment; this forced the African to struggle for independence
  • Weakened the colonial powers
The second world war played the great role in the rise of African nationalism; it weakened the economic and military strength of major powers such as Britain, France and Germany. This poor condition of the European powers forced them to decolonize and get united states loans, the USA put decolonization as the precondition for one to qualify for the Marshall plan
  • Formation of United Nations Organization
The UNO was formed in in 1945 with the main objective of maintaining peace in the world. The UN formed the Trusteeship Council which had to make sure that all colonies regain their independence by using peaceful means. Tanganyika is one of the countries that benefited from the UN because it was the trusteeship territory
  • Role of Second World War soldiers
The war widened the political horizon of African who were involved in the war. The African came to know the meaning of freedom and democracy. They knew how to use weapons and participate in struggle. The African witnessed the defeat of the whites and hence the soldiers became active in forming political parties for independence for example Dedan Kimathi was the leader of Mau Mau movement
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