

The Portuguese rule in the coastal cities of east Africa was marked by frequent rebellions. These rebellions together alongside the decline of trade greatly weakened the hold of the Portuguese in the east Africa. By the end of 19th century the Portuguese rule in the east Africa coast had come to an end. The following are reasons for decline and fall of Portuguese rule in east Africa Portuguese weakness; as a small country which had also small population Portugal failed to supply enough manpower for the administration of the region. There were few soldiers to support the administration. Also the few officials they had in the east Africa were corrupt, inefficient,
The Portuguese rule in the coastal cities of east Africa was marked by frequent rebellions. These rebellions together alongside the decline of trade greatly weakened the hold of the Portuguese in the east Africa. By the end of 19th century the Portuguese rule in the east Africa coast had come to an end
Image result for fort of jesus mombasa

The following are reasons for decline and fall of Portuguese rule in east Africa
  • Portuguese weakness; as a small country which had also small population Portugal failed to supply enough manpower for the administration of the region. There were few soldiers to support the administration. Also the few officials they had in the east Africa were corrupt, inefficient, untrustworthy and ruthless in carrying out their duties. That being the case the coastal people became hostile.
  • Decline of Portuguese rule in east Africa also was caused by decline of collection of revenue due to decline of the trade. This resulted into the lack of finance to meet the cost of administration
  • Rivalry from other nations; from mid of the 16th century the supremacy in the Indian Ocean began to be challenged by other nations. Turks and other nations such as British, Dutch and France brought stiff competition with Portugal for trade. For example in 1595 Dutch ships appeared in the Indian ocean followed five years later by British with commercial efficiency they also brought superior skills in warfare, both of which they used to compete against and eventually undermine Portuguese power in the east Africa.
  • Tropical diseases: the climatic condition of east Africa favored the existence of malaria and sleeping sickness. Portuguese soldiers and administrators in the east Africa were attacked and affected by these diseases. Due to these diseases they were physically weakened and failed to tolerate for long period during the fighting.
  • Uprising from the people of east Africa. Portuguese treated people of east Africa harshly. This resulted into strong hatred people of east Africa. Portuguese were never trusted by the local people hence constant rebellion occurred. The Portuguese were also affected by Zimba warriors around 1588.
  • Support of Oman to the local people; Oman and other Asian nations assisted coastal people against Portuguese brutality. In 1652 an Oman fleet sailed to pate and Zanzibar and attacked and killed several Portuguese. Portuguese were defeated by 1698 when the Oman penetrated the fort of Jesus
Image result for fort of jesus mombasa


  1. Thanks though I wish that more information can be provided about this topic
  2. Thank you so