
What are internal and external factors for independence in Africa

Internal Factors for Independence in Africa: Rising nationalism: Many African intellectuals and politicians who had been educated in the West began …

reasons of war between tanzania and uganda

The war between Tanzania and Uganda, also known as the Uganda–Tanzania War, occurred between 1978 and 1979. Here are some of the reasons for the war…

what are the resolution of Berlin conferences

The Berlin Conference was held in 1884-1885, and it was attended by representatives of most major European powers. The conference was called to esta…

what are the reasons and effect of boar trek

The Boer trek was a movement of Dutch farmers in the early 19th century, who moved northward to escape British rule and the abolition of slavery. Th…

what are the factors for abolition of slave trade

Industrialization: With the rise of industrialization, many people were no longer financially dependent on slavery. Enlightenment ideas: The id…

explain roles of explorers in colonization of Africa

Explorers played a key role in the colonization of Africa which occurred primarily during the 19th and early 20th centuries. Some of the roles of ex…

what are the factors that stimulate industrialization in Europe

Access to natural resources: Europe had abundant supplies of coal, iron, timber, and other natural resources that were necessary for industrializati…