
What are internal and external factors for independence in Africa

 Internal Factors for Independence in Africa:

Rising nationalism: Many African intellectuals and politicians who had been educated in the West began to see the contradictions of Western imperialism, resulting in a growing desire among Africans for political and economic self-determination.

Emergence of strong local leaders: Many African countries had emerged with strong local leaders who were committed to national independence movements such as Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana, Julius Nyerere of Tanzania, and Jomo Kenyatta of Kenya.

Urbanization: Industrialization and urbanization of Africa led to the formation of an educated African middle class that was eager to see changes in the political and economic landscape of the continent.

Political Instability: European colonial powers often created divisions between different ethnic groups, which led to political instability and economic underdevelopment. This internal strife often led to calls for self-determination and independence.

Elite dissatisfaction: Many African elites felt that colonial power denied them the right to participate in and shape the decision-making processes within their society.

External Factors for Independence in Africa:

Cold War: The Cold War rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union led to support of independence movements in Africa, often with covert support.

International pressure: As part of the wave of decolonization across the globe in the post-World War II era, there was considerable international pressure for colonizers to grant independence to their former colonies.

Economic decline: The decline of the European economies following World War II and the increasing pressure of funding colonial administration and infrastructure led to the reconsideration of maintaining expensive colonial possessions.

International organizations: The United Nations (UN), the Organization of African Unity (OAU), and other international organizations, were instrumental in providing diplomatic support to African movements for independence.

Anti-Colonialism: The anti-colonial movement gained momentum worldwide, raising awareness of the need for colonial powers to leave Africa and for independent African countries to have a voice on the international stage.


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