
reasons of war between tanzania and uganda

 The war between Tanzania and Uganda, also known as the Uganda–Tanzania War, occurred between 1978 and 1979. Here are some of the reasons for the war:

Border disputes: Uganda claimed part of the Kagera Salient in northwest Tanzania, which led to tensions between the two countries.

Idi Amin's aggressive foreign policy: Uganda's dictator, Idi Amin, pursued an aggressive foreign policy and supported several armed groups that were opposed to Tanzania's President Julius Nyerere.

Tanzania's support for exiled Ugandan politicians: Tanzania provided a safe haven for Ugandan opposition politicians who had been forced into exile by the Amin regime.

Economic factors: Uganda accused Tanzania of supporting rebels who were disrupting transportation on the Kampala-Mwanza Highway, which was an important economic lifeline for Uganda's economy.

Power struggle within the East African Community: The conflict also reflected a broader power struggle between Tanzania and Uganda over the leadership of the East African Community, a regional economic bloc that both countries were members of at the time.

Overall, the war between Tanzania and Uganda was a complex mix of political, economic, and territorial disputes, fueled by historical tensions between the two neighboring countries.

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