
Colonialists prioritized transport network in order to facilitate development of legitimate trade. The colonial government built infrastructure such…

Why did the Germans use Direct rule in Tanganyika.? 1. It was used because the Germans believed that it was the only system through which they could…

Direct rule was applied by the Germans who imposed their leadership onto the Africans without any help from the African chiefs. It involved the Germ…

Indirect rule was mainly employed by the British in their respective colonies. In this system, the conquered Africans were used to rule their fellow…


1. Nationalism refers to ones love for his country, it was the desire for East Africans to administer themselves thus it involved activities that a…

Consequences of the Uprising The consequences of the Maji-Maji uprising were social, political and economic in nature. Some of them were positive bu…

Organization of theMajiMaji uprising • The war involved a diversity of tribes and a large area stretching from Dar-el-salaam to Kilosa in the North …