
 Organization of theMajiMaji uprising • The war involved a diversity of tribes and a large area stretching from Dar-el-salaam to Kilosa in the North and from Lindi to Songea in the south. The Maji-Maji uprising began in 1905 and ended in 1907. The leadership and organisation of the Africans was centred on the efforts of prophet KinjikiteliNgwale of Kolelo Snake cult. • This prophet started being prominent in 1904. He had his base at Nagarembe. There was a pool on a tributary of the river Rufigi. The prophet was possessed by a spirit called Hongothat lived in the pool. They started to distribute majiyauzima – water of life as it was the medicine among the Pogoro, Matumbi, Zaramo and Ugoni. • The prophet started teaching people near his home area Ngarambe about the use of magic water. Eventually his teachings spread among the people living around the Rufigi valley and taught people about the use of a secret communication from one person to another at Ngarambe. This was a whispering campaign called “Njwiywilla” or “Jufila”. He also convinced the people that the ancestral spirits had not died. Hence they would protect the people during war. • By early 1905, people were making pilgrimages to Ngarambe where Prophet KinjiKiteli gave them the medicine against German guns and committed them to war. The medicine consisted of a mixture of millet flour in water and was smeared on the forehead of each fighter. • The uprising was started by the chief and medicine men of the Pogoro and Gindo. Later, it spread to other areas like from Dar-es-salaam to Kilosa in the North. This was sparked off by the establishment of the cotton plantation schemes. It took the Germans by surprise and a lot of property was destroyed. • The worst uprising was begun by the Matumbi on 31st July 1905. The people rose against the Akidas and all the foreigners of the district. • On 2nd August, 1905 the coastal town of Samanga near Kilwa was burnt to the ground. Many traders and government employees were murdered in many areas

• The uprising spread quickly east wards and Northwards. Soon the Matumbi were joined by other tribes namely the Bena, Ngoni, Mpuga, Pogoro, Zaramo, Luguru, Wagindo and other small communities against the Germans. • On 30th August, there was a series of joint African attacks on the German fort at Mahanga but the Africans were driven off with heavy losses. In September 1905, the German imperial government sent re-enforcement. The German military techniques and machine guns weakened African resistance. Maji-Maji soldiers turned to guerrilla tactics of fighting. • With German further re-enforcement, the African unity was broken down area by area and the uprising was finally suppressed in 1907. Many of its leaders such as Kinji-kiteli and Mputagama were executed.

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