
 Direct rule was applied by the Germans who imposed their leadership onto the Africans without any help from the African chiefs. It involved the Germans in direct administration of their colony. Under this system, traditional chiefs lost their posts and wereinstead given to the Akidasand the Jumbes from the coast. At the top was the governor who was the head of the colony. The governor had powers and authority and was directly answerable to the colonial minister in Berlin. He was assisted by the Governor’s council consisting of officials and non-officials. Tanganyika was divided into districts for efficient administration

Methods used by Germans to apply direct rule in Tanganyika Just like British rule, German rule was established through a number of methods and these include: 1. Use of force This was direct military opposition with societies that tried to resist German rule. The Hehe, Abushiri, Ngoni and Maji- Maji rebellions were all defeated through the use of force. After their defeat, German rule was established. 2. Treaty Signing This was also commonly used by the Germans. A number of treaties were signed with various chiefs in Tanganyika. Carl Peters a trader and imperialist, was very instrumental in the signing of these treaties. He for example, signed treaties with the chiefs of Usagara, Usigua, etc. Through these treaties African chiefs were promised protection, a guise that was used to occupy their areas. 3. Collaborators These were used to perpetuate German interests in Tanganyika. Chief Marere of the Sangu was for example used against Mkwawa of Hehe,Manji Mandela of Kilimanjaro against chief Shai of Kibese and the Arabs in Unyanyembe against Isike. 4. Intimidation and treaties These were used to scare those who wanted to rebel. Resistors were severely beaten, beheaded, hanged, burnt alive or exiled as a lesson to those who intended to rebel. For example, Mkwawa of the Hehe even after hanging himself his head was cut off by the Germans and sent to Berlin (German). 5. Traders and Trading companies Traders like Carl Peters and his trading company –GEA Co. were very active in extending the tentacles of German rule. He signed several treaties with African chiefs and his company funded and provided the initial manpower for the administration of Tanganyika. He also built infrastructures like roads and provided security. All those were done to prepare Tanganyika for German rule. 6. Development of infrastructure The German built communication networks like roads and railway lines in order to conform to the doctrine of “effective occupation” and secondary to enable Germans 

consolidate their rule over such areas. For example, in 1891, a railway line was constructed to connect to the coast of Tanganyika. 7. Christian Missionaries These through their “beautiful” preaching, weakened and softened the hearts of Africans and made them ready for colonial rule. Many of their converts in fact ended up being collaborators. 8. Explorers These were used in the initial stages of colonial rule. Jacob Erhardt for example drew a “slug” map of East Africa that stimulated European interest in East Africa. Dr. David Livingstone who was both a missionary and an explorer, also reported about the economic rich areas in East Africa, drew peoples’ sympathy towards the evil of slave trade in Tanganyika and the need to stop it. However, the system was dictatorial, ruthless and authoritarian., which aroused resentments and rebellions from the local people. Direct rule was started and popularized by Dr Carl peters who were a German colonialist.

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