
Show the advantages and disadvantages of archeology and oral traditions as methods of reconstruction of history (2001) ANSWERS:

 Show the advantages and disadvantages of archeology and oral traditions as methods of reconstruction of history (2001) ANSWERS:


-It provided evidenced of the past remains.

-It links the gaps left by other sources such as oral tradition and written records.

-Employment opportunities to archaeologists like Dr. Louis Leakey.

⁃ Archeological sites can be used as tourist attractions eg Olduvai gorge

-It tells us a great deal about man's past life.

It reveals the level if development attained by early man eg stone tools and iron tools -It reveals the level 1 if technology of past man

 -It can show religious beliefs of past man through excavating tools used during prayers such as cups

. -It makes history real because learners can see, feel and touch the objects excavated eg the skull of the earliest man.


 -Does tell about past social organizations, eg how ntemiship worked.

-It can not reveal peoples languages.

-It is a Tim consuming method, excavations took long period of times such as months or years. -It needs experts.

 -It is not appplicabke to study recent history.

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