
"The policies of the last leader of Soviet Union, known as Mikhail Garbachev accelerated the fall of communism in Russia" justify this statement with six points.

 Mikhail Gorbachev's policies as the last leader of the Soviet Union played a crucial role in accelerating the fall of communism in Russia and the broader Soviet bloc. Here are six points that justify this statement:

1. **Perestroika (Restructuring)**: Gorbachev introduced policies aimed at restructuring the Soviet economy, moving towards a more decentralized system with elements of market mechanisms. This included allowing limited private ownership and entrepreneurship, which aimed to revitalize the stagnant Soviet economy but also undermined central control over economic planning.

2. **Glasnost (Openness)**: Gorbachev promoted greater political openness and transparency through glasnost. This policy led to increased freedom of speech, press, and expression, which encouraged public debate and criticism of the government. It exposed the inefficiencies and corruption within the Soviet system, eroding public confidence in the Communist Party leadership.

3. **Democratization**: Gorbachev introduced reforms aimed at democratizing the political system. This included allowing competitive elections at local levels and within the Communist Party itself. However, these reforms also inadvertently opened the door for alternative political movements and challenges to the Communist Party's monopoly on power.


**End of Cold War**: Gorbachev pursued a policy of rapprochement with the West, leading to significant reductions in nuclear arsenals and improved relations with Western countries. This marked a departure from the confrontational stance of previous Soviet leaders and contributed to the peaceful end of the Cold War, reducing international tensions and pressures on the Soviet Union.

5. **Nationalist Movements**: Gorbachev's policies inadvertently fueled nationalist movements within the Soviet republics, particularly in the Baltic states, Ukraine, and the Caucasus. His reforms weakened central authority and revived long-suppressed nationalist aspirations, leading to demands for independence and sovereignty from Soviet control.

6. **Coup Attempt and Dissolution**: In 1991, hardline elements within the Communist Party attempted a coup against Gorbachev, seeking to reverse his reforms and maintain centralized control. The failure of the coup weakened the Communist Party's authority further and accelerated the process of dissolution of the Soviet Union. Gorbachev's inability to prevent the dissolution of the Soviet Union ultimately marked the end of communism in Russia and the independence of former Soviet republics.

In summary, Mikhail Gorbachev's policies of perestroika, glasnost, democratization, efforts to end the Cold War, unintentional promotion of nationalist movements, and the events surrounding the coup attempt collectively accelerated the fall of communism in Russia and the Soviet Union, leading to its dissolution in 1991.


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