

Jan van Reinbeck and his followers faced the following problems in their social and economic life;

  • They suffered from homesickness because they were very far from home. 
  • Absence of adequate geographical knowledge about the cape area. 
  •  Unexpected weather and climate changes like long periods of drought brought famine to them. 
  • The occurrence floods which brought discomfort to them by sweeping away the temporary huts and tents 
  • The pioneers had poor accommodation facilities i.e. wooden leaking houses 
  • There was hostility with the bantu, khoikhoi due to competition over land for grazing 
  • The pioneers ran short of funds hence bringing shortage in the supplies 
  • They lacked enough and sufficient land for farming and settlement 
  • The soils were not fertile enough to facilitate high yields of cop production. 
  • They lacked enough education facilities for their children at the cape. 
  • The language differences between them and the khoikhoi limited them from getting what they wanted 
  • Poor transport and communication facilities at the cape. 
  • Inadequate marriageable women led to homosexuality. 
  • The inadequate market for their produced commodities. 
  • Rivalry from European countries like Britain and France. 
  •  The invasion of locusts in the cape colony in the years around 1685 proved disastrous. 
  • The high amount of land rent charged from them by the company. 
  • They were few in number so they suffered from boredom. 
  • They lacked enough medical facilities fro the sick people 
  • Many Dutch settlers ere ex-soldiers therefore they yielded little due to little knowledge about agriculture. 
  • They were restricted from growing profitable crops like tobacco. Inadequate labour force in their farms. 
  • Crop production costs were too high because crops like barley, wheat needed a lot of care hence getting low profits.

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