
THE SOTHO - TSWANA Qn. Who were the Sotho - Tswana?

 ➢ They were also bantu speakers ➢ They were the second Bantu group into South Africa. ➢ They moved from Congo basin in the period of 13th century and 16th century ➢ Their ancestors were man ape. ➢ They entered South Africa through lakes Tanganyika and nyasa. ➢ They were the people whose settlement was determined by tsetse fly. ➢ This settlement took place in the areas between river Limpopo, Molopo and hart. ➢ They were people who formed groups/tribes like bapedi, basuto, tswana sotho etc. ➢ These people were part of Negroid race in west Africa before their migration. ➢ In south Africa they settled eastern basuto land in the 13th and 14th centuries. ➢ Later in the 19th century, they formed their separate basuto state because of mfecane. ➢ Chief mosheshe headed the establishment of basuto state. ORGANISATION OF THE SOTHO – TSWANA ➢ They were cultivators who grew crops like millet, yams e.t.c Summarized notes of the History of South Africa, July 2019 Page | 13 ➢ They were pastoralists who kept cattle and sheep. ➢ They practiced iron smelting from copper. ➢ Hunting was also their activity. ➢ They traded with their neighbors in form of barter trade ➢ They were also gatherers ➢ Cows were raided frequently from their neighbors. ➢ They also fished from their neighboring rivers, swamps, and other water bodies. ➢ They practiced weaving. ➢ Land was owned communally. ➢ Elders settled disputes. ➢ The central clan and family provided the chief of the society. ➢ Initiation ceremonies were carried out especially with boys. ➢ Tribe chief was the commander of judicially, religion and military. ➢ Indunas assisted the chief amongst the Sotho. ➢ The chief governed with the agreement of the senior members of the clan. ➢ Indunas were to keep the chief informed on affairs of the clan. ➢ Powerful indunas were appointed from families outside the ruling family to avoid interference. ➢ A clan amongst the Sotho was made up of a number of lineages ➢ The clan leader always overthrew the unpopular chief. ➢ They held the first fruit ceremonies were political matters were discussed and bad people killed. ➢ Each clan amongst the Sotho is thought to have had a common ancestor. ➢ The strongest son produced by the chief was to be his heir. ➢ The biggest political unit of the Sotho was the tribe. ➢ The chief’s daughter was the head of the women regiments and the same to men. ➢ A council called pitso discussed community issues. ➢ Initiation was done every after six or seven years. ➢ Sons who were initiated with chief’s sons were to become his (chief’s son) adviser, representatives, messengers, and worriers. ➢ Every year initiation was to take place the king had to make sure that he had a son to initiate.

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