
what was the role played by political parties towards the independence of uganda

 what was the role played by political parties towards the independence of uganda

itemprop="articleBody" style="background-color: white; color: #222222; font-family: Arial, Tahoma, Helvetica, FreeSans, sans-serif; font-size: 15.84px; line-height: 1.3; position: relative; width: 481.333px;">Political parties in Uganda after 1950.

A number of political parties were formed or old ones revised after 1950. These were to lead the way towards Ugandan’s independence by 1962. Such parties included

Uganda National Congress (UNC) 1952.

Democratic party(DP)1954

The Progress Party (PP) 1955

United Congress Party(UCP) 1957

Uganda National Movement (UNM) 1959

Uganda People’s Union (UPU) 1958

Uganda People’s Congress (UPC) 1960

The Kabaka Yekka (KY) 1962.

Role played by political parties in the struggle for Uganda’s independence.

Parties trained leaders who helped to mobilize the masses in the demand for independence.

They sensitized and educated Ugandans on the politics in the country. This aroused political awareness in Uganda.

Called for independence of Uganda raising Massive support to the independence movement.

Organized peaceful demonstrations, against colonial policies like taxation , cash crop growing (forced) etc.

Parties sent representatives in the pre- independence negotiations and last minutes constitutional preparations.

Mobilized funds to finance political activities including campaigns for the pre- independence elections.

Party slogans and songs became a key symbol of attraction for large gatherings. This made flow of information about the struggle very easy.

Recruited the youths into active party service thus training a generation that was to lead Uganda to independence such as Mayanja Nkangi , Ignatius Musaazi .etc.

Violent action organized by the various parties pressurised the colonialists to grant independence. Boycotts, attacks on foreigners and torching (burning) houses all speeded up the process to decolonize Uganda.

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  1. fuck u