

 The sans were organized politically, economically and socially as below; Social organization of the san ➢ The sans were peace loving and friendly people. ➢ The sans could only fight and became fierce when their hunting grounds are interfered. ➢ They lived in caves temporally sheltered wall decorated with beautiful painting. ➢ They enjoyed early marriages where by girls of 7-8 years marry boys of 14 – 15 years. ➢ After marriage, boys were to join the girl’s family and work for them until birth of the first born. ➢ Polygamy was highly practiced irrespective of the difference in age. ➢ Even though they practiced polygamy, they did not believe in having so many children because of tiresome or tedious way of life. ➢ Dancing was very common especially in initiation and after catching the game. ➢ They lived in small groups of about 25 – 70 people. ➢ They lived a nomadic way of life whereby they moved from one plane to another. ➢ They boys under the san under went initiation at puberty level were their hunting skills were tested experience in natural herbal. ➢ They celebrated important days like birthdays, wedding and death. ➢ They were grate artists and used to paint their rocks, stones and ostrich egg shells ➢ They were story tellers. ➢ They used to wear ornaments made out of shells and ostrich eggs. ➢ During ceremonies `they used to drink fermented juice. ➢ They used to celebrate new as well as old moon. ➢ They used traditional healing herbs as medicine. Summarized notes of the History of South Africa, July 2019 Page | 4 ➢ They believed in their creator god called kaggen whom they prayed at through mantis. ➢ The san offered prayers to heavenly body including the moon. ➢ They never cared about the sick people and old ones. ➢ They had division of labour e.g. men hunted while ladies fished. ➢ They believed in their ancestors.

Economic organization ➢ They were hunters as well as food gatherers ➢ They used poisoned arrows for defense ➢ They dug pits for trapping bigger animals ➢ They gathered wild roots, fruits, and insects like caterpillars, locusts e.t.c ➢ They kept dogs as domestic animals for hunting ➢ They were fisher men who used to fish from rivers e.g. vaal, kei, tugera e.t.c. ➢ They were cattle raiders from neighbors like the Bantu ➢ They lived a nomadic way of life and they couldn’t practice agriculture. ➢ The hunting grounds were guided seriously because it was a key for their economic survival. ➢ They carried out pottery and they made pots for cooking ➢ They used arrows, bows and poison and dogs to trap animals for their survival. ➢ They used to dig ditches were big animals could be trapped. Political organization ➢ They lived in small settlement each inhabitant like tribes. ➢ Each settlement was independent from each other. ➢ The sans were divided into three major groups i.e. southern san, central san, and northern san. ➢ Each settlement among the san was had a leader called the headman. ➢ A headman was helped by a council of elders to settle disputes amongst the tribes. ➢ Regular council meetings were held to handle important matters ➢ Membership to the council meeting was to open to all adult males. ➢ The youth were responsible for the security of their settlement from their neighbors. ➢ They kept dogs as domestic animals for defense.

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