

 ➢ The Portuguese first discovered the direct sea route to India in the 15th century ➢ The Portuguese took a lead in the Far East and later declined in the 16th and 17th centuries. ➢ This attracted the Dutch also to participate in the same trade ➢ In 1647, there ship Harlem that they were using to Far East got wrecked around the Table Bay i.e. near the cape. ➢ The survivors of Harlem for marooned for six months at the Table Bay. ➢ While they were at the Table Bay, they experienced good and suitable climate, soil for growing fruits, vegetables and for trade. ➢ On their return to Netherlands, they gave favorable/good reports to their government. ➢ For a long time the Dutch merchants, they were thinking about a way of competing with the English trade. ➢ The Dutch merchants now united and formed the united Dutch East Indian Company. ➢ In April 1652, the directors of the Dutch east India Company sent Jan van Reinbeck at the cape with three ships. ➢ He arrived at the cape with 120 people. ➢ Their work was to build a wooden building for sick people, grow vegetables for sailors and treat the Khoikhoi kindness. ➢ The company was responsible for the above activities and looking after settlers. ➢ That proved to be expensive to the company and in 1671, it was agreed that the area be left for the colonist farmers. ➢ In 1676, commissioner’s verberg agreed to set up a Dutch colony. ➢ The company now released nine soldiers and allowed them to start colonization. Summarized notes of the History of South Africa, July 2019 Page | 20 ➢ In 1680 and 1687, new settlements were set up at Stellenbosch and de pearl respectively. ➢ The nine soldiers were not to pay taxes for 12 years and they were given 13 and half acres of land each. ➢ Later two hundred French Protestants were allowed at the cape. ➢ By 1685, the colony had 150 families. ➢ In 1700, the colonialists were over 1300 people at the cape. ➢ The company legal strict policies over the setters like being the only buyer of cape products, made the settlers to extend their farms beyond the cape. ➢ By 1795, the colony had over 1500 settlers. ➢ The colony had even expanded up to Fish River. ➢ The colony now had districts of swellendam, graaf reinet, Stellenbosch and the cape.

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