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Ghana's contribution to ECOWAS

 Ghana, as one of the founding and active members of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), has made significant contributions to the organization's objectives and activities. Some of Ghana's key contributions to ECOWAS are as follows: Commitment to Regional Integration: Ghana has consistently demonstrated a strong commitment to regional integration within ECOWAS. It actively participates in regional meetings, summits, and conferences, contributing to the decision-making processes and policy formulations of the organization. Promotion of Democracy and Good Governance: Ghana is known for its stable democracy and good governance practices. As a member of ECOWAS, Ghana has been actively involved in promoting democratic principles, conducting free and fair elections, and supporting democratic transitions in other member states. Advocacy for Peace and Security: Ghana has played an important role in advocating for peace and security in the West African region. It has


The effects of MAU MAU rebellion were both positive and negative. 

They were also political, social and economic in nature. 

The following were the effects of MAU MAU rebellion

There was the loss of lives on both sides of the Europeans and Africans. It is estimated that about 58 British and 25000 Africans perished during this rebellion. 

A lot of property was destroyed during the fighting. Heavy guns had been used by the British which caused a lot of havoc on the African property. 

The poor Africans were seriously defeated by the British but nevertheless, the struggle was not completely negative. 

 The famine resulted because Agricultural activities had been put to a standstill, yet also plantations had been destroyed.

The African leaders who were involved in the rebellion like Jomo Kenyatta were imprisoned which instead increased their desire to fight for native freedom. 

Kenyans never got their independence which they were fighting for.

 The war was costly on both sides; the Africans lost their resources whereas the British lost a lot of money in financing the war. 

Kenyans were sent into camps, that is to say over 50,000 Kikuyu people were rounded up and pushed to reserves or camps. 

There was a serious economic decline in Kenya. Trade was disrupted. 

 Displacement of family members within the areas of Mau-Mau speeded up nationalism within Kenya. 

British leant a lesson that the Africans were not animals and therefore deserved to be treated humanly. 

The Africans too learnt a lesson that force would never claim back their independence. From then onwards they resorted to peaceful solution to their problems. 

Africans were given the chance to sit on the Legislative council, that is to say in 1958, four Africans were elected to the Legislative council (LEGICO), the parliament of the time. These were: Ronald Ngala, Odinga Oginga, Tom Mboya and Daniel Arap Moi. 

Africans reclaimed some of the lands that had been lost to the British. 

The rebellion further strengthened the popularity of men like Jomo Kenyatta, it’s no wonder he led Kenyans into Independence. 

Infrastructures like roads, schools, agricultural activities among others were extended to the Africans. 

Britain was urged to transform Kenya into a settler colony permanently. This was a death blow. 

The Whites slowly started moving away from Kenya.

 The Mau-Mau inspired a nationalistic awakening to other East African countries like Uganda and Tanganyika who also started struggling for their respective independence. 

The African interests gained supremacy in the eyes of British administrators.



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