

1.Eropean feudalism developed from slave mode of production  after the collapse of Roman empire  in the 4th century ,i.e  European feudalism came from  the womb  of slave mode of production ,that’s why some elements of slavery mode in European feudalism like the existence  of the serfs, unlike in Africa  where  slavery as an institution didn’t exist ,Africa  feudalism  developed from communalism.
2. existence of feudal rent in three forms, rent in money were a peasant  was to pay some agreed amount of money for using the land, rent in labor a serf was to work  some days  in the  farm of the feudal  lord. And rent in kind he peasant was obliged to pay some of his produce to the feudal land as the price for using the land. Feudalism was characterized by the granting of fiefs, chiefly in the form of land and labour, in return for political and military services –a contract sealed by oaths of homage and fealty (fidelity).
3. Existence of three social antagonistic class’s i.e serfs’ peasant and feudal lords the feudal lords were dukes or kings owned all the productivity forces. But lord and vassal (A person holding a fief) piece of land held under the feudal system were both free men and social peers,
4. Production was both subsistence  and for surplus largely  the entire  Europe was  rural  based  save a few  towns like London by 15th century  had begun  to emerge  with little population.
5. Dominated by absolutism of the feudal lords political and judicial powers ware controlled by the feudal lords the e peasants and the serfs had to subordinate to the feudal lords they had no right to question them anything.
6. Existence of the Roman Catholic church dominated political and economic aspect during feudalism in Europe it was a fashioner and maker for social life for example it taxed the peasant, to owned land where it collected feudal rent it collected compulsory fees like Baptist fee marriage fee burial fee and fee and everyone was to became a catholic by birth.
7. Direct subordination .This meant that the serfs and the peasant who are given land fief were support to subordinate to the feudal lord in England, William the Conqueror and his successors regired their vassals’ vassals to take oaths of fealty to them but in France was that “the lord of my lord is not my lord”, thus, it was not rebellion for a sub vassal to fight against his lord’s lord
8. Land was owned and divided in four forms, in European land was owned in four forms Crown land owned by the king church land owned by the church bishops and archbishops. Monorial land controlled by the aristocracy  these were people working under the king for example the doctors and the solders and common land that belonged to every body .
9. Existence of absolutism / despotism who believe in Devine power for stance in England, all of the land belonged to the sovereign prince – be he king or duke, marquis or count – who held it “ of no one but God” .The prince then granted fiefs to his barons, who made their oaths of homage and fealty to  him and were required to give him political and military services according to the terms of the grant.
10. Productive forces were land cattle tools and money that were privately owned by the feudal lords.
11.Eropean feudalism  based rural and urban centers ,guilds and artisan begun to develop  especially from 11th century  towns  town begun  to spread  as trade centers the feudal lords benefited much  from  these centers because they were able to collect tributes from merchants.
12. Existence of improved productive  forces, in European  feudalism the productive forces were somehow improved not  very crude that’s why  they were able to produce surplus  production tools like plough metal tools craft industries established wind mills were discovered  which  were used for pumping  water .   
14. Periodization by 15 century it was ending and a new mode of production was beginning was another special characteristic of European feudalism beginning called capitalism i.e European feudalism  co-exited with  capital mode of production.
1.      Both productive forces were privately owned by the feudal lords in case of Africa land tools and cattle were owned by chiefs or Kings who were the feudal lords.
2.      Both feudalism did exist with social antagonistic classes in case of Europe were three social classes i.e serf the peasant and the feudal lords and Africa two dominant social classes.
3.      Both feudal rent did exist as the appreciate price for the fief by the vassal in case of Europe to the feudal lord in case of Africa  it was rent in kind and rent in labor, and  in case of Europe  rent in money also existed.
4.      Both feudalism co- existed  with another mode of production by  15th century  in case of Africa it existed with communal mode of production ,i.e communalism was ending and feudalism  had started in some society ,and in case of European feudalism existed with capitalism
5.      Both feudalism  based on agriculture as the major economic activity  and it was for substance to a big extent, in case of European feudalism  rotated on Monarism and vassalism of land that  the major economic activity  was agriculture  and in Africa agriculture  and pastoralist were observed  as the major economic activity .
6.       Both Africa and European feudalism based on inheritance as the way to determine ones position  in the  feudal society ,the fief was inherited from  one feudal lord to his generation and the vassals (those who feudal land) were transferred  to the new feudal lord in case of death of a feudal lord
7.      Both African feudalism  and Europe had direct subordination of the lower class to the ruling class where by the vassals were suppose to take the oath of allegiance to their  feudal lord in case of European and in case of Africa the peasant were to represent and obey the royal family unquestionably.
8.      Both experienced absolute leadership ,the power  of the kingdom  belonged to the feudal lord who believed in the Devine rights that there power given to them by God not anybody else they lived in luxurious and auspicious life in both Africa and Europe, while their subject lived in misery and serving them   
1.      In European feudalism  there was three types of feudal rent, namely rent ,in kind rent in money and rent in labor while in Africa there were two kinds of rent in kind and in labor .
2.      European feudalism by 15th the century was ending and capitalism was beginning and only few societies were practicing feudalism while many were under communal mode of production.
3.      In European feudalism there  existed  three antagonistic social classes namely the sefrs the peasants  and the feudal lords this was so because  European  feudalism  developed from slave mode of production where it borrowed some elements, the former slaves became serf, while feudalism in Africa there existed two types of social classes namely peasant  and feudal lords.
4.      European feudalism based both in rural and urban  centers were guilds and artisan produced many ornamental for the feudal lords ,while in Africa feudalism only based in rural areas ,that’s  why European  feudalism was able to develop into capitalism unlike that in Africa .
5.      European  feudalism agriculture based on the production of both substance and surplus production only based on substance  production ,this explain why capitalism was able develop in European unlike in Africa
6.      In European feudalism the productive  forces include tools land  capital and labor and the productive forces where more developed and advanced as compared with that of Africa ,while  in Africa feudalism there was no money  as a productive force and tools were too rudimentary that explains why African feudalism did not develop into capitalism like that  of Europe
7.      European feudalism came from the womb of slaves mode of production i.e. feudalism came after the collapse if Roman Empire in the century while African feudalism came as a result of centralized states.
8.      In European feudalism the roman church played a very key role in the feudal relation it owned land and collected tributes from the peasants while in Africa the church was nonexistent political religion were fused together, the king was to the religious leader.
According  to Marxist interpretation  feudalism  existed  in Africa  and co-existed  with communalism to feudalism ,African feudalism was to some aspect  similar to that of European ,in  characteristics.
It must be noted  that European  feudalism  came from the womb  of slavery  mode of production  while African feudalism came from communal  mode of production because it based on exploitation of the lower class, By 15th century  it were few society  that had reached feudal mode of production ,like Buganda in East Africa Ethiopia Mali, Egypt ,morocco ,Mwanamutapa etc.  
1.      Existence of feudal rent; this appreciate price given to the feudal lord by the peasant for the exchange of land security given to the peasant it was based on inequality; the feudal lords exploited the peasant through the payment of rents. This was paid rent in kind  and rent in labor, for example in Buganda  the king owned land, Which was given to the peasants  to till and paid Obusulu on form of produce  or labor to work in the place of the king (Olubiri)
2.      Private ownership of productive forces which included land, tool cattle and women were privately owned by the feudal lords. The  kings and his chiefs were responsible to won all the productive  forces in the feudal society, such productive force  were given to the commoners  to use in exchange for feudal rent and royalty  to the ruling  feudal class, for example in some feudal societies in Africa all the productive forces in the feudal society, such productive force were given to the commoners  to use in exchange for feudal  rent and royalty to the rulling feudal class, for example in some feudal society in Africa all the women in the kingdom belonged to the king who would marry as many she can every choosing in the entire society
3.      Agriculture became the major economic activity following the discovery of iron technology that improved the productive force; in African feudalism agriculture occupied a dominant position because land was the major productive force, means of production centered on either land or livestock especially cattle, peasant could use the land freely but they were required to pay rents. Although trade was conduct the trading items were of agriculture produce
4.      Existence of prognostic social classes that based on exploitation of one class  i.e  feudal lords and tenants or peasant, for stance  in Africa feudalism there two dominant  social class the  feudal lord and the peasant/ tenants in Buganda referred to as Balangila  (Royal family ) and bakoopi (peasants).
5.      Direct subordination of the lower social class to the upper class of feudal lords which was absolutes, the feudal lords and had absolute power to their subjects and their subjects and they should give loyalty to their feudal lords.
6.      Existence of inheritance  as a means to determine one’s  position  in the society which was based on birth ,it determined the leader and the subject .The ruler  must be coming from the ruling family not from the commoners in case of Africa on the death of the king his first born became the next king
7.      There was improvement  of productive forces  especially  tools that were applied for agriculture  and military warfare this was brought about by iron  technology,or the rise of Neolithic  revolution in the mid stone age .
8.      African feudalism  co-existed  with communal mode of production in many Africa  societies that practiced feudalism by the period 15th  century  attained feudalism  from communal  mode production not slavery in case of Europe
In the decentralized societies, basic unit of political organization was the clan, various clan authorities. The clan head was chosen from among the clan elders when he merited the qualities of leadership such as his influence, which was determined by age, wisdom or wealth. Decentralized societies had the following attributes or characteristics.
1. With equal rights to other members of the clan, the ruler had the responsibility of leading the clan, but his position was not hereditary. He resigned from the power after the election of a new clan head, which took [place whenever the former head became unpopular and was too old to perform his responsibilities.
2. The clan council and the general assembly were the two bodies that governed clan’s
3. in decentralized societies there was no outstanding army ,all able –bodied men carried out the defense of the clan. This was due to the fact that these society did not involve themselves in expansionistic policy .Wars therefore were scarce.
4. The clan elders worked to solve central conflict .but if they became difficult; they were transferred to the general assembly. Everybody was interested in solving the disputes honestly, and this resulted in the fair and public administration of justice.
5. a culprit  was given chance to defend himself  and to be defended  by members of the general assembly .voting made the final decision ,dissimilar to centralized societies in which the king made the final decision  and was the final court of appeal
6. Society was responsible to impose the disciplinary measures to the wrongdoers .Society administered punishment to help criminals reform in character .When one the manners of a clan committed a crime against another clan, the members punished the criminal by handling him to the offended party.
7. Decentralized states no central control of the economy .They communally owned the major means of production
8. Practiced pastorals’ and shifting cultivation as their major economic activity
9. Lacked permanent borders and permanent agriculture, their movement were largely determined
10.Decentralized states had no central control of the economy .They communally owned the major means of production
11. Practice pastoralism and shifting cultivation as their major economic activity.
12. Lacked permanent borders and permanent agriculture, their movements were largely determined by the environment        

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