
Factors that led to Egyptian Penetration into Uganda A combination of factors or reasons ranging strategic, climatic, environmental, physical, econo…

Effects of Slave Trade on EAST Africa Slave Trade had a deep impact on the social and economic set up of East Africa. 1. Itledtodepopulation.Theinvo…

Reasons for the rise of Slave Trade Slavery had existed in Africa for a long time before the coming of Colonialists. Many Africa chiefs possessed do…

1.       Results of the Berlin conference of Nov 1884 to Feb 1885.     -        Defined three rivers for free navigation -        CongoFree Sta…

The role of Kwame Nkrumah in the struggle of Ghana’s independence in 1957. -        His role in Pan – Africansim congress made him the best choic…

1.       Factors for the growth of nationalism in Ghana.          -        Young Western educated people. These had elementary education but coul…

Six reasons why indirectrule failed in SouthernNigeria                 -        There was lack of unity in the South due to many ethnic groups wi…