
Factors that led to Egyptian Penetration into Uganda A combination of factors or reasons ranging strategic, climatic, environmental, physical, economic, political social and largely human explain why Egyptians advanced into Uganda 1. The Lives of Egyptians were largely dependent on River Nile and they had a deep desire to gain full control ofthe Nile. They therefore penetrated Uganda to find the source of River Nile
2. The Ugandan climate was favorable and conducive for both human settlement and crop farming. Egyptians therefore wanted to utilize the rich climate conducive for their well-being and also for farming. 3. Fertile Soils; The Ugandan soils were fertile with richly endowed minerals that could support and sustainthe crop farming. This motivated some Egyptians to permanently stay in Uganda in the later years 4. Egyptians belonged to the Islam religion; one of the reasons for them to penetrate Uganda was to spread Islam. They argued that it was an obligation as dictated by the Islamic traditions and teachings to teach the norms of the faith to the world. 5. The Egyptians wanted to participate in the trade that was taking place at the coast of East Africa. It was going to be possible only if 6. Ugandan leaders like Kabaka Mutesar ealized the importance of establishing relations with Arab Foreigners because they had a lot to benefit from them such as guns. This encouraged the Egyptians to penetrate Uganda 7. Transport in the interior had improved making it possible for the Egyptians to move into Uganda to carry out trade and also establish them there.

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