
 EUROPEAN TRADERS IN EAST AFRICA (CHARTERED COMPANIES) REASONS FOR THE FORMATION OF CHARTERED COMPANIES 1. Chartered companies were trading associations which were given permission to operate business in East Africa on behalf of their respective home governments. 2. The two trading companies operated in East Africa. These were the Imperial British East African Company (IBEACo) and German East African Company (GEACo). 3. The IBEACo was established in 1888 and it was under the leadership of William Mackinnon. It was charged with the responsibilities of carrying out trade and administration in Kenya and Uganda behalf of the British. 4. Its leadership was later taken over by Captain Fredrick Lugard, a retired army officer who had served in the army in India where Britain also had a colony. 5. GEACo started work in Zanzibar in 1884 and with time it moved to Tanganyika mainland. It was under the leadership of Dr. Carl peters. 20 | P a g e 6. The chartered companies were formed to control the area of interest for their respective governments. 7. They were also formed to protect missionaries and traders who were operating in East Africa. 8. The trading companies were formed to sign as many treaties as possible with the African leaders. 9. Chartered companies would also promote trade on behalf of their home government in East Africa. 10. They were also supposed to bring as many areas as possible under the control of their respective governments. 11. For effective trade in East Africa, the chartered companies were formed to improve on communication. 12. It was also supposed to solve the conflicts between the Catholic and Protestants missionaries in Buganda kingdom. 13. Through the Chartered companies law and order would be established in East Africa. 14. The fight against slave trade would also be properly handled by the chartered companies. 15. They were formed to encourage the spread of Christianity in East Africa.

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