
 THE RESULTS /IMPACTS / EFFECTS OF BUGANDA AGREEMENT OF 1900 1. Buganda was used as a springboard or a launch pad or facilitator for the extension of British rule to other parts of Uganda. 2. The Kabaka’s power was greatly undermined. 3. The Kabaka’s political powers were reduced to a merely “a constitutional monarchy”. He was made just a figure head or ceremonial leader. 4. The Kabaka lost his judicial powers and could no longer pass death sentences. 5. The Kabaka lost control over his chiefs since they were now to be paid by the colonial government. 4 | P a g e 6. The Lukiiko became the legislature or the law making body. 7. The agreement empowered the Christian and Moslem chiefs who collaborated with the British. The chiefs who worked to promote the colonial interest gained a lot from their activities. 8. The king lost powers over the army; he could no longer raise an army without the British consent. 9. The Kabaka lost powers over the revenue of Buganda. 10. The agreement favoured Buganda’s position within the protectorate but not other Kingdoms. 11. It created land nobility which at times led to landlessness among the peasants who became squatters. A class of land owners and the land less existed in Buganda. 12. It confirmed the lost counties to Buganda that is to say, Buyaga and Bugangaizi which became a source of hostility between the two Kingdoms. 13. Buganda and Uganda at large lost independence up to 1962. 14. It created new classes of people namely: the land lords, tenants and the landless. 15. Buganda collaborated in extending British rule over Uganda. 16. Infrastructural developments in form of roads, hospitals, schools were extended to many parts of Buganda. 17. It ended the political and religious wars in Buganda. 18. It officially formalised British presence in Uganda at large and Buganda in particularly. 19. Buganda’s revenue was to be combined with those of other kingdoms and taken over by the colonial government. 20. It defined once and for all the boundaries of Buganda within Uganda. 21. It brought the idea of graduated tax into Uganda. 22. Britain was able to exploit Uganda economically. 23. Cash crops like cotton and coffee among others were encouraged to be grown in Uganda. 24. It cleared the ground thoroughly for the abolition of Kingdoms in Uganda. 25. The agreement elevated the British position in Uganda than ever before.

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