
 PROBLEMS OR CHALLENGES FACED BY CHARTERED COMPANIES IN EAST AFRICA. 24 | P a g e 1. They lacked enough manpower. 2. The chartered companies also lacked enough funds to carry out their activities. 3. There were frequent rebellions in East Africa. This made their work difficult. 4. Poor means of transport was also another problem that was faced by the Christian missionaries. 5. Stiff competition among the companies themselves was yet another problem. 6. Tropical diseases too, disturbed the traders. 7. There were inexperienced and corrupt administrators that failed the companies. 8. Scarcity of minerals due to overexploitation. 9. Involvement in religious wars, for example in Buganda, Fredrick was involved in the religious wars between the Protestants and the Catholics. 10. Restrictions were put onto the companies. 11. Stiff competition from African traders, for example the Nyamwezi 12. There was poor housing and accommodation. 13. The distance to their home countries was too great; hence they were always home sick. 14. Lack of economic prospects in some East African areas, for example in Northern Uganda the resources were scarce. 15. Lack of geographical knowledge of some areas. 16. There was language barrier. 17. Lack of trusted agents in East Africa. 18. Hostile tribes like the Nandi and Hehe disturbed them greatly. 19. There was delay in supplies from their home governments. Note that the above points can explain why chartered companies collapsed by 1904. Students must also realise that the challenges or problems faced by the chartered companies were almost similar to the problems faced by other European groups in East Africa.

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