
 EFFECTS OF THE KABAKA CRISIS 1. Buganda became more united for her demands. 2. The idea of uniting of East Africa states into a federation was completely given a death blow. 3. The Kabaka’s going into exile removed any sympathy of Baganda toward the colonial governor under Sir Andrew Cohen. 4. More political parties were formed in Buganda to act as a forum for Buganda’s interests and Uganda in general, for example Democratic Party in 1956, Uganda People’s Congress in 1960, among others. 5. The Kabaka was made to be responsible to members of Lukiiko and even the governor. 6. It inspired or encouraged the growth of nationalism in Buganda although it was a tribalistic nationalism. 7. The Kabaka purely became a constitutional monarchy. 8. It spear headed the struggle for independence starting from Buganda to other areas of Uganda. 9. A group of people that included Thomas Makumbi and Apollo Kironde among others went to London to ask for the release of the Kabaka. 10. The Kabaka returned in Buganda in 1955, which was a sign of victory to the Baganda. 11. It resulted into the signing of the Namirembe agreement on 18th October 1955, which tried to revisit or revise the 1900 Buganda agreement. 12. It proved the extent to which the British went against the Buganda agreement, for example they had failed to recognize the Kabaka of Buganda which was a central figure to the 1900 agreement. 11 | P a g e 13. It led to more political confusion in Buganda as Baganda became more unruly and lost their patience towards the colonial government. 14. The event surprised the Baganda; they will never forgive the colonial government for it. 15. Buganda still remained part and parcel of Uganda.

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