
The Versailles peace treaty of 1919 (Paris peace treaty)

On 18th January a conference was convened in Paris France in the town of Versailles in the hall of mirrors, between Germany and the allied forces, to settle and solve the problems that had been brought by World war 1914 and also to prevent the occurrence of another war in future .27 countries attended the meeting that include; France, Britain, U.S.A, Spain, Greece, Belgium ,Switzerland, Peru ,etc.
On 18th January a conference was convened in Paris France in the town of Versailles in the hall of mirrors, between Germany and the allied forces, to settle and solve the problems that had been brought by World war 1914 and also to prevent the occurrence of another war in future .27 countries attended the meeting that include; France, Britain, U.S.A, Spain, Greece, Belgium ,Switzerland, Peru ,etc. 

The  Versailles peace treaty of  1919

This meeting at the Versailles was the most important treaty of all, it was dominated by two major power i.e France and Britain other nations were only observers and entertainers. Britain was represented by George Llyod, Italian foreign minister Giorgio Sonnino, and U.S.A by Wilson Woodrow the president of U.S.A French premier Georges Clemenceau by the time .The treaty was signed on June 28,1919, in the Hall of mirrors at the palace of Versailles near Paris .The united states did not ratify the agreement but signed a separate treaty of Berlin with Germany on July 2, 1921.The Versailles treaty was built on 14 points proposed by president Wilson Woodrow.


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