
Ways used by people of new world to fight for their rights

 As an AI language model, I do not have personal beliefs or experiences. However, here are some ways historical accounts show that people in the New World fought for their rights:

Protests and demonstrations: People in the New World often organized protests and demonstrations to voice their concerns and demands for their rights. These protests often included various activities such as rallies, sit-ins, and marches.

Boycotts: People in the New World often used boycotts as a means of protest. They would refuse to purchase or use products or services that they believed were unethical or exploited their rights.

Legal action: Many people in the New World fought for their rights through the legal system. They would file lawsuits or complaints with the courts, seeking justice for their grievances.

Civil disobedience: Civil disobedience involved breaking laws or regulations deemed unjust, including disrupting government activities, going on hunger strikes or chaining themselves to public buildings.

Armed resistance: In some cases, people in the New World resorted to armed resistance to fight for their rights. They formed armed militias or insurgent groups to overthrow oppressive governments or defend their territories.

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