
Reasons for people of Africa in the new world

 The forced migration of Africans to the New World can be attributed to several factors, including:

Economic motives: The transatlantic slave trade was driven by the demand for cheap labor to work on the sugar plantations, cotton fields, and mines of the New World. European colonizers needed large numbers of workers to extract valuable resources from their colonies and this demand led to the capture and sale of Africans as slaves.

Racism: Europeans viewed African people as inferior, and this racist ideology played a crucial role in the justification of slavery and the treatment of enslaved Africans. Many Europeans believed that Africans were subhuman and could be treated as property, which made it easier to dehumanize them and to justify their enslavement.

Political dominance: Europeans used their military power to control and dominate African countries and exploit their resources. They used forceful means such as wars and colonization, which resulted in the capture and transport of many Africans to the New World.

Dehumanization: Through propaganda, European colonizers dehumanized Africans and portrayed them as barbaric and uncivilized people to justify their enslavement. This made it

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