
11 Differences in the tourism sector between Kenya and Switzerland


11 Differences in the tourism sector between Kenya and Switzerland

  • Switzerland receives more tourists and thus earns more revenue compared to Kenya.
  • Kenya has a variety of scenery and landscape with physical features e.g. the Rift Valley, lakes, mountains, lakes, plains and rivers while in Switzerland, the Alps is the main physical feature that attracts tourists.

  • Kenya’s only snow-capped mountain (Mt. Kenya) is too high and steep thus less suitable for mountain sports while the Swiss has large and smooth slopes covered with snow during winter for such sports.

  • Kenya has a seafront with warm waters for sun/sand bathing, swimming, surfing, and yachting whereas Switzerland is landlocked – lacks a sea front/has no access to beaches and associated sports.
  • In Switzerland domestic tourism is more pronounced than in Kenya due to high levels of income.
  • In Kenya animals are kept in game parks while in Switzerland they are kept in zoos
  • Switzerland has winter sports such as skiing and ice-skating which Kenya lacks.

  • Kenya is richer in traditional culture than Switzerland due to its many ethnic groups.
  • Kenya has tropical wildlife such as the elephant, cheetah, lion etc. which Switzerland lacks
  • Kenya’s climate is warm throughout the year while Switzerland experiences warm summers and cold winters.
  • Kenya has more physical features which attract tourists than Switzerland e.g. Rift valley, lakes, mountains

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