


  • It was dominated by selfish members i.e. Britain and France who were interested in their selfish ends but not to maintain world peace for example.France wanted to revenge Germany for the defeat of Franco- Prussian war, while Britain wanted to maintain her status quo of colonial empire and navy supremacy
  • Not all power was interested in world peace especially the vanquished power thus it failed to maintain world peace and security for a long time it only did for about 20 years 1919- 1939, and this was its major aim as they pronounced that they “declare war end war”
  • Existence of long-term enmity between the two hostile camps i.e. victor power and vanquished power, because this they failed to turn Germany is a friendly nation instead they humiliated her and increased enmity between the victorious powers and the vanquished power.
  • Over dominated of Britain and France, in the conference making other power,only dormant member, but all major decision were reached by only two powers in their favor, thus it failed in maintain European balance of power,instead other powers were made powerful from others. E.g France and British
  • Diplomacy and democracy was not followed out of 70 delegates representing 32 states it was only France and Britain made major decision even other nation were not given the plate form to express their views like Germany was not even allowed equal treatment like other nations the conference others became observers and dormant members and ceremonial, thus the failure of maintaining democracy.
  • They did not disarm themselves was only Germany who has disarmed to a small extent up to 1933 themselves instead they re-armed which was against the 14 principles of Wilson Woodrow which called for complete disarmament
  • Imperialism was not solved which was the major cause of the world war, that’s why they failed in recognizing nationalism in some states especially in Africa and Asia. The African former German colonies were re-occupied by the victor powers of France and Britain, despite that also in Europe, those countries that were given independence lacked recognition from Europe superpowers e.g Germany did not recognize the independence of Poland.
  • Formed a weak international body without its own army that even failed in performing her major duties, it would be an international body which would be strong enough comprising all the members of the world and maintain world peace and security, it only survived for only 20 years.
  • Other key world powers were not invited, like Russia, china USA left before the completion of the world peace, thus the Versailles peace treaty failed to be recognized as the world peace.

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