


  •  War guilty, Germany was to accept unconditional that she was the sole cause and root cause of the world, and must accept all the decisions that will be concluded in the conference. Germany was forced to accept that term as one of the Germany leader commented “this is a dictated peace”
  • Germany was to pay war indemnity or reparation fee for damages incurred by the allied forces the amount was be 6.5 billion pounds in addition to money. Payment was made in the form of ships, train, livestock, and valuable natural resources. Difficulty arose in collecting payment, and the situation was not finally settled until the Lausanne conference in 1932
  • German was to surrender back Alsace and lorrain to France and the Saar basin was to be placed under a league of Nations commission for 15 years, as compensation to France and under plebiscites held in 1920 Schleswig ,comprising 3,981 sq km(1,537sg mi),were to be reunited with Denmark, from Germany .Germany had acquired it during her unification of 1871.
  • German was to de-militarize her army to 100,000 military men with no soldier of the ranks of general, Abolish compulsory military service ;and demilitarize all the territory .This clause of the treaty aimed at complete crippling Germany military might, to make her incapable of causing an future war.
  • Complete disarmament Germany was to destroy all her strong weapons (disarmament) lie machine gun, air force, the fleet should not exceed 10tons no submarines, tanks etc. to stop all important, exportation, and nearly all production of war material; to limit its navy to 24 ships, with no submarines, the naval personnel not to exceed 15,000;and to abandon all military and naval manufacturing ,this was really a serious blow to the military future of Germany
  • Loss of territories (Balkanized) about 71,000sqkm (about 27,500 sq mi),or slight more than 13 per of her European domain, German land like Poland, Czechoslovakia and Germany was to recognize the unconditional sovereignty of Belgium, Poland, Czechoslovakia and Germany was to recognized the unconditional sovereignty of Belgium, Poland, Czechoslovakia(now the Czech Republic and Slovakia), and Austria, and denounced the treaties of Brest –Litovsk and Bucharest
  • Germany was to lose all her colonial empire both in Africa and Asia like Tanganyika ,Togo and Cameroon were re-divided among the victor powers especially Britain France Belgium and South Africa as trusteeship under the league of nation until they will be able for self determination, so in this clause Germany imperialism was being eliminated, while the victor power sharing
  • Germany was not supposed to make any country especially Austria. So that they should not resume the hostile alliance system that contribute to the outbreak of World war I, and this was ensured by reducing the territories of Austria and some parts were given to Germany while other to the new states created by treaty .
  • The Germany states were to be occupied by the army of occupation from the leagues of the nation for 15 years and to demilitarize all the territory on the left bank of the River Rhine and also that on the right bank to a depth of 50km(31 mile)not allowed to send troops in the area since it bordered with France
  • Germany leaders were to taken were to be taken in court of law for war crime which included Kaiser who had run in exile, so Germany was permit the trial of former emperor William II by an international court on the charge of “a supreme offence against international morality”.(The trial never took place
  • Loss of concession and trading rights she was not supposed to trade in her former colonies and not to trade with any country so as to cripple the Germany economy and isolate her economically and politically
  • Non membership of the league of nation, Germany was not supposed to join the league of nations until she becomes peace loving peace loving nation but later alone she was permitted to join the league of nation but when Hitler came to power in 1933 he made Germany to withdraw from the league of nation
  • Return of the golden French flag taken during the Franco Prussian war 1871.Germany was supposed to return all the items that she had robbed from France during the period of her unification especially the Golden flag

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