

In 1875, Henry Morton Stanley visited Buganda and had a meeting with Kabaka Mutesa one. 
After Stanley’s advice, Mutesa I wrote a letter to England requesting for the missionaries to come to Buganda. 
Following the invitation, between 1876 and 1877, the Church Missionary Society under the leadership of Reverend CT Wilson and Shergold Smith arrived in Buganda.
 Later in 1879, the Catholic White Fathers from France arrived under the leadership of Father Lourdel and Brother Amans. 

The Christian missionaries were invited because: 

  • style="font-size: large;">Mutesa I wanted to strengthen his position by acquiring guns from the missionaries. 
  • He expected the missionaries to teach him how to make his own guns. 
  •  He expected the missionaries to train his soldiers and equip them with the best military skills 
  • To be able to use their influence and fight Bunyoro under Omukama Kabalega 
  • He was afraid of pressure from Egypt who wanted to colonize Buganda, so he hoped to use the missionaries to defeat them. 
  • He needed prestige and respect from his fellow chiefs.
  •  He expected to receive gifts from Christian missionaries. 
  • He needed to use Christian missionaries to check on Muslims who were becoming too arrogant. 
  • He expected Christian missionaries to teach his people how to read and write. 
  • He was tired of the demands from traditional religion. He needed a change in religion. 
  • The need by Mutesa I to use the missionaries to teach his people technical skills. 
  • Mutesa I wished to trade with the Christian missionaries to further develop the economy of Buganda. 
  • Mutesa I wanted the Christian missionaries to teach his people new farming methods. 
  • He had a hospitable heart towards foreigners. The friendly nature of Mutesa I, therefore forced him to invite missionaries to his kingdom. 
  • Mutesa I expected some gifts from the Christian missionaries, for example, beads, mirrors, and clothes among others. 
  • He had been convinced by H.M Stanley that Christian missionaries would be good for the safety of his kingdom.

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  1. Wawawa