
 Reasons why Some Africans Resisted 1. Need for Preservation of self-independence. The major need to reject colonial rule was a desire to maintain political independence and such societies which resisted thought that Europeans had come to take away their independence. They also wanted to maintain their integrity which they had taken time to build 2. Resistors also desired to preserve cultural and traditional values. This was a time when missionaries were spreading Christianity and western civilization. This was a big threat to African Culture and Values since they were being depicted as backward and satanic. 3. Africans also needed to preserve their economies. African societies had previously participated in Long distance trade and it was vibrant. People had accumulated a lot of wealth and some African chiefs had built empires from the trade. Such chiefs were therefore not ready to lose their wealth to colonialists. 4. East Africans had internal conflicts misunderstandings among themselves which also acted as a reason for their resistance. Long standing conflict would cause one state to resist because their rivals had collaborated for example the Banyoro resisted because the Baganda had collaborated 5. Others resisted because they were ignorant of the colonialists Military might. They did not know of any strong army than their own. Thy under estimated the power of the colonialists hence going forward to fight them 6. Others resisted because they loved adventure. Some had created armies and wanted to test these armies to see if they could effectively work. The Banyoro had formed their abarusura clan and were so proud about it so had to put it to test through staging a war with the colonialists 7. Many East African Chiefs resisted because they did not have any opportunity to collaborate. An example of this? 8. African Religion played a big role in the Africans resistance. African leaders feared to submit because they feared that their African gods would strike them dead if they embraced a foreign god of the White Man

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