
 Reasons why the Nandi Resistance took so long 1. Because of guerilla warfare. The Nandi had an environmental advantage. Their area was hilly with forests, caves and little space for open warfare. Such an area was unsuitable for the British maxim gun but good for the Nandi guerrilla warfare They were favored by the forests, caves and hills whilst the British were unfamiliar with the Nandi terrain. Presence of a strong military. The Nandi Military comprised of young men who were efficiently trained to fight within the age-set regiments. 2. Availability of arms and weapons. They were manufactured/ repaired locally by the iron-smiths using stolen materials from the rail and telegraph wires. There was Availability of regular food and war equipment. The Nandi never suffered from famine, their land was fertile and could therefore support both agriculture and livestock. They always had enough food to feed their troops. 3. Favorable weather. The British army was affected by the wet and cold climate causing respiratory problems while the Nandi grew stronger since they were accustomed to it. 4. The Nandi were able to live on when the British destroyed their crops and grains by depending on livestock products. 5. The Nandi received military and non-military material support from their cousins, the KipsigIs, which enabled them stage a strong resistance for 6 weeks.

6. The Nandi were inspired by their leader, Orkoiyot who was a symbol of unity and had supernatural powers.

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