
 Why was Buganda Agreement Signed? The Buganda Agreement was signed due to a number of reasons; 1. The Berlin Conference which was held in 1884 encouraged Britain to sign an agreement as a sign of effective occupation. 2. The Agreement was signed because the British hoped to use the Baganda as agents of colonialism in Uganda. The Buganda kings would administer colonial rule to their subjects on behalf of the colonialists. The Baganda on the other hand also expected political offices in the new British Hierarchy and also military support from the British. 3. The British wanted to reduce the powers that the Kabaka had over land. This Agreement would therefore be a platform for them to acquire land for the Buganda chiefs and also conquer the whole Ugandan territory 4. The agreement was signed to make Buganda safe for Missionary activities. Missionaries had sought help from their home governments since conditions had become hostile for them in Eat Africa. 5. It was also signed to reward the Baganda for their cooperation and collaboration with the British in the establishment of colonial rule. That is why land that previously belonged to Bunyoro was given to Buganda 6. The agreement also aimed at making Buganda self-reliant through introducing economic reforms like growing of cash crops, payment of taxes and use of money. 7. The British colonial government wanted to reduce the administrative costs in Uganda which had highly increased leading to the collapse of the IBEACO

8. The signing of the agreement was to solve the boundary problems between Buganda and her neighbors especially Bunyoro. Omukama Kabalega’s rebellion had also destabilized the whole protectorate, and this agreement was the only solution. 9. The agreement was signed to make, political reforms for the efficient administration of the protectorate. This is why it defined the position of the Kabaka and the powers of the Lukiiko

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