
 PROBLEMS THAT THE EXPLORERS ENCOUNTERED IN EAST AFRICA The explorers faced the following problems while in East Africa: 1. They faced a problem of language barrier whereby they knew the East African languages nor did the East African people know theirs. Besides they lacked interpreters, Communication with the local people therefore became difficult. 2. They faced a problem of transport, whereby there were no roads, cars and other means of transport to move the long distances. It was not easy to move on foot. 3. Many of the explorers suffered from homesickness, because they had spent many years in East Africa without going back to Europe. 4. In addition, there was a problem of loneliness and lack of company, because the East African people feared they were ghosts and always ran away from them. 5. There was a problem of poor climatic conditions, where some areas were very hot and others very cold hence making them uncomfortable and in most cases fall sick. 6. The explorers always had quarrels among themselves, for example Speke and Burton disagreed over the issue of the Nile River source. They even became enemies. 7. They lacked food and clean water for drinking while in East Africa. 8. There was also shortage of funds to buy other necessities like food, yet communication back home for more supplies was not easy. 9. They also faced a problem of relief, for example Mountains and river valleys were not easy to cross. They therefore delayed their movements. 10. Sometimes they would get lost in the thick forests as they also did not know the Geography of East Africa quite well. 11. They did not also have porters to carry their luggage. Sometimes those who offered to assist them would run away with them. 5 | P a g e 12. They, explorers, did not also get descent accommodation. Many were not welcomed to the palaces of the African kings and chiefs. 13. There was a problem of tropical diseases. Most explorers suffered from diseases like malaria and sleeping in areas near lakes and rivers. 14. The explorers also faced a problem of hostile tribes who always attacked them, for example the Turkana, Masai and Nandi. 15. They faced a problem of wild animals like lions, leopards and many others, for example Thompson and his servants were attacked and seriously wounded by a buffalo in Tanganyika. 16. Some African chiefs disturbed them a lot, for example Sir Samuel Baker and his wife were detained briefly in Bunyoro. 17. They were also opposed by the Arabs at the East African coast. They thought that the explorers had come to compete with them in trade.

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