

 1. 1884, H.H. Johnston urged Britain Government to set up a Killimanjaro protectorate. 2. 1885, German Protectorate set up by Carl Peters over Usagara, Ungulu, Ukarni and Witu. 3. 1886, British treaties in the Kilimanjaro region. 4. 1886, Anglo-German Agreement divided East Africa into spheres of influence. 5. 1887-1888 conflict between British and Germany trading companies in Tana River area. 6. 1889, Trade rivalry in Uganda. 7. 1890, Carl Peters obtained treaties with the Kabaka of Buganda and chief of Wanga Mukulu. 8. 1890 Anglo-Germany agreement defined Germany and Britain Spheres more closely. 9. 1890, German lost all influence north of the present Kenya — Tanzania border. 10. 1890, Germany took over direct control of her sphere from the Germany East Africa company. 11. 1894, Britain declared a protectorate over Uganda. 12. 1895, Britain established the British East Africa protectorate (Kenya). 7 | P a g e 13. 1894, January Colonel Colville, the new British Commissioner led Buganda army into Bunyoro. 14. 1891, the Imperial British cast African Company went Bankrupt. 15. 1896, the Kooki agreement made Kooki a county and its ruler became a country chief of Buganda. 16. 1897, Kabaka Mwanga rebelled against the British. 17. 1899 Mwanga and Kabalega were deported to Kismayu and latter to Seychelles. 18. 1900, the Buganda agreement 19. 1901, Uganda Railway reached Kisumu (Port Florence). 20. 1902, the area west of the Rift valley was given to the British East African protectorate. 21. 1904, Masai agreement was signed. 22. 1906, the British recognized Kasagama as the Omukama of Toro. 23. 1907, the Banyoro forced the agents to take refuge in Hoima. 24. 1909, Administrative stations were built at Kalongo among the Lango and the Acholi. 25. 1910, Administrative stations were built at Kitgum among the Acholi. 26. 1914, Administrative stations were built at Arua among the Alur, Madi, Lugbara and Kakwa. 27. 1907, a colonial department headed by Dr. Denburg was established. 28. 1905, the Matumbi rebelled. 29. 1904, the British government distributed high quality seeds to farmers in Uganda. 30. 1912, the first railway line in Uganda was completed. 31. 1896, work of Uganda railway construction started. 32. 1928, a branch line was completed of the railway between Tabora and Mwanza. 33. 1925, the young Kikuyu association was re-organized. 34. 1905, the European settler plantation owners began to experiment with Arabica coffee while Africans planted Robusta coffee. 35. 1925 N.K Mehta an Asian businessman built a refinery at Lugazi (Sugar). 36. 1920, Tea was planted in Mubende district in Uganda. 37. By 1931, there was a tea estate at Mengo near Kampala. 38. 1912, the railway reached Namasangali in Busoga. 39. 1899, the railway line reached Nairobi. 40. 1903, Lord Delamare from South Africa came into Kenya. 8 | P a g e 41. 1920, Large tea estates were put in Nakuru. 42. 1911-1928, the line of the railway from Nakuru to Eldoret was raid. 43. By 1931, Kenya and Uganda linked by railway. 44. 1931, gold was discovered in Kakamega. 45. 1905-1912, Coffee growing was introduced, among the Haya people of Bukoba. 46. 1922, in Tanzania the former European land was re-allocated to Africans. 47. 1924, the coffee growers formed the Kilimanjaro native Planters’ Association to improve coffee 48. 1929, Moshi line of railway reached Arusha. 49. 1953, the Owen falls Hydro-electricity schemes started. 50. 1954, Owen Falls Dam Hydro-electricity power generation was officially opened by the Queen of England. 51. 1965, the new Central Bank of Kenya was established. 52. 1937, the Arusha, Declaration was passed to nationalize industries and business in Tanzania. 53. 1963, Kenya was linked with Tanzania by Tanga railway line. 54. 1970, Nairobi to Mombasa road was completed. 55. 1961, Tanganyika got her independence. .

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