

 EUROPEAN INTEREST IN SOUTH AFRICA Introduction ➢ Europeans have been in South Africa for over 300 years ago. ➢ The Portuguese were the first Europeans to enter into south Africa under Bartholomew Diaz in 1487 ➢ He was being encouraged by Prince Henry the navigator. ➢ The aim for Portuguese voyages/navigation was to make more geographical discoveries ➢ They wanted to preach against Moslem crusades. ➢ They were searching for valuable minerals such as gold, ivory e.t.c. on the west coast. ➢ They were looking for an alternative sea route to India. ➢ They wanted to gain control over the spice trade from Arabs and Italians ➢ Diaz after reaching the Atlantic coast he erected a pillar at ludertz (Namibia) and at algoa bay to act a landmark. ➢ They paved way for vascodagamas’ voyage to India in 1497 – 9 Summarized notes of the History of South Africa, July 2019 Page | 18 ➢ The Portuguese now set up an empire in the Indian Ocean because of dagama’s reports. ➢ The Portuguese progress attracted the Dutch and the British to take over hence becoming Portuguese rival in the 17th century. N. Why was the cape important to the Dutch in 1652? Or Why did the Dutch settle at the cape in 1652 – 1700 0r Why were Europeans interested in South Africa? ➢ The Dutch appeared in south Africa in the 17th century ➢ They were attracted by the Portuguese success in the far east trade ➢ The need to establish a calling or resting place by the Dutch ➢ The wreckage of the Dutch ship Harlem at table bay in 1647 ➢ The mis- location of the cape between Europe and Asia attracted their settlement ➢ The favorable reports given to Netherlands by Harlem crew survivors. ➢ The need to establish a repairing and refueling station for the Dutch ships ➢ Availability of food, water and meat in South Africa which had ceased from Helena were the Europeans were getting them. ➢ The need to revenge on the Spanish leadership which had led them for over 70 years in the 16th century. ➢ They wanted to break the Portuguese and Spanish supremacy in the Indian and Atlantic trade. ➢ They wanted to take over the spice trade from the Portuguese ➢ They wanted to compete out with English traders ➢ The need to set up a hospital at the cape to treat the Dutch sailors ➢ Presence of good habours where the Dutch ship could anchor ➢ The existence of a lot of unoccupied land at the cape attracted them to settle their. ➢ The conducive welcome given to them by the Khoikhoi at the coast of South Africa. ➢ Presence of the Mediterranean climate which was conducive for their settlement made them to stay ➢ The presence of fertile soils for the proper growth of vegetables and fruits in South Africa. Summarized notes of the History of South Africa, July 2019 Page | 19 ➢ They wanted to set up a defensive post in South Africa against their rivals. ➢ The presence of good leadership like from Jan van Reinbeck who headed the settlement process. ➢ The need to carry out trade with the Khoikhoi in South Africa made them to settle there.

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