
Qn. Describe the achievements of the united Dutch East Indian Company.

 ➢ They intermarried with Africans and imported orphan girls from their homeland hence reduced homosexuality ➢ They built elementary schools under the Dutch reformed church to teach their children. ➢ They constructed water reservoirs which were to provide water during the dry seasons. ➢ Corrupt governors like Wilhelm Adrian were dismissed. ➢ In 1707 many hospital were built to treat the sick people. ➢ Farmers were allowed to sell their products to passing ships in increase of the market base. ➢ Slaves were imported from countries like Madagascar to increase on labour force. ➢ The prices of agricultural commodities were increased in 1658 to boost farmers’ revenue. ➢ In 1657, many settlers were freed from company control and set up their independent farms. ➢ The cape colony was expanded from about 55 miles to over 500 miles. ➢ Many people were armed to provide defense to the villages. ➢ Settlers were allowed to raid Africans and enslave them. ➢ Interpreters were trained and one language was encouraged ➢ A large castle was built for defense under the commander Simon derstel.

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