
 Why Missionaries wereSuccessful Missionaries were successful in carrying out their activities because they had a number of factors that worked in their favor. 1. They received hospitality, ambiance and cooperation from the local chiefs. E.gMuteesa provided them an opportunity to preach to his people and also gave them shelter at his courts 2. They also received Massive supportboth oral and Financial from their home governments. Their home governments also gave them protection wherever they were working 3. The Unity among the already existing Christian groups also enabled them to succeed 4. Transportation was eased by the already existing caravan routes in the interior. The Early missionaries used the long-distance caravan routes to penetrate the interior 5. In some areas African Traditional religions were not deeply rooted which made it easy for them to convert 6. Africans were fascinated by the missionaries’ medical skills and whenever they asked them, missionaries would attribute it to the healing power of Jesus Christ 7. The new converts were very committed to spreading Christianity and they helped missionaries to carry out their activities 8. Missionaries were also humble and diplomatic which drew many Africans to them

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