
 CAPTAIN FREDRICK LUGARD 1. Captain Fredrick Lugard was a retired soldier who was sent to Buganda by the British government to work as agent of the Imperial British East African Company (IBEACo). 2. He majorly worked tirelessly to defend the British interests in Uganda through out the colonial interest. 3. Fredrick Lugard stopped Buganda from falling under the control the GEACo of Carl Peters, the leader. 4. Lugard signed a treaty with the Kabaka of Buganda, Mwanga and this forced him to acknowledge the IBEACo authority. This brought Buganda under the control of the British. 23 | P a g e 5. He also signed a treaty with Omugabe Ntare in August 1891. The treaty brought Ankole under the Company rule. 6. Fredrick Lugard on behalf of the British government extended colonial rule to Tooro where he was able to installed Omukama Daudi Kasagama who was overthrown by the Banyoro. 7. He was able to defeat Kabalega of Bunyoro with the support of Semei Kakungulu, an influential collaborator to the colonial rule. 8. When the religious wars occurred between the Protestants and Catholics, it was Lugard who settled the conflicts between the two. He supported the Protestants against the Catholics by giving them guns. 9. When the Catholics were defeated by the Protestants, Lugard calmed them down by giving them land. 10. Fredrick Lugard united all the Christian groups in Buganda against the Muslims who had support from Bunyoro Kingdom. 11. He generally protected the Christian missionaries in Buganda against being attacked by other communities who were opposing them. 12. He built a number of Forts in the areas under his control for protection and defense, for example he constructed a Fort at Old Kampala. 13. Lugard was able to protect the Nile which the British were interested in controlling. He made sure that no other colonial power controlled its source and the mouth. 14. He convinced the Sudanese mercenaries to work with him to overcome rebellions in the British areas of interest. 15. Captain Fredrick Lugard was able to develop trading activities in Buganda and other areas under British control. 16. He re-instated Mwanga who had been overthrown and forced him in 1892 to sign another treaty giving him official control of Buganda Kingdom. 17. He wrote a book “Dual Mandate in Tropical Africa”. The book became the starting point of the British policy of indirect rule in East Africa. 18. Lugard went back in 1892 and campaigned strongly for the British safeguarding and control over Uganda. PROBLEMS OR CHALLENGES FACED

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