
Explain the migration and settlement of the san or Who were the sans?

 THE EARLIEST INHABITANTS IN SOUTH AFRICA The earliest inhabitants in South Africa were the san followed by the khoi khoi and later the Bantu joined them. THE SAN Explain the migration and settlement of the san or Who were the sans? ➢ The sans were people who were also called the hunters, bushmen, Twa or Roa. ➢ They were short, yellow or brown skinned people ➢ They are known to be the first inhabitants of South Africa. ➢ They had a click sound in the language with limited vocabulary ➢ The sans were believed to have migrated from east and central Africa. ➢ Their migration is believed to have started at around AD 1000 ➢ This is due to the evidence got from rock paintings, which were found in South Africa similar to those found in Tanganyika. ➢ In reaching South Africa they settled around dammar land and Batlapin. ➢ In south Africa they lived a hunting life in and around Kalahari Namibia deserts ➢ They also occupied highland areas or Brakenstein, Camdembo, Winterberg and Drankensberg. ➢ They also settled around rivers e.g. river orange, Vaal, Kei and Tugela. ➢ By the end of the 19th century, the sans were living in summerset of Cradock. ➢ Today the sans are living in the drier areas of Botswana, Namibia, Angola and the republic of south Africa even though their population is too small.

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