

 ➢ Bantu is a linguistic word of black people who have a common word NTU or NDU in their language. ➢ These people originated from the west sudanic area (West Africa) i.e. Niger Congo basin. ➢ When they reached in South Africa, they were considered a largest group of people in South Africa. ➢ They were composed of 4 major groups i.e. the, Shon, Sotho – Tswana, the Nguni- Tsonga and Aherero Ambo Ovambo Herero. ➢ Their arrival in South Africa is not certain but it is sayed they reached in South Africa in the 10th century. ➢ The different groups of Bantu reached south Africa in different places at different times. ➢ Increase in population in their homeland made them look for vacant areas. ➢ They were searching for water of their animals. ➢ They wanted fertile land where they could practice agriculture. ➢ They had internal conflicts among the various Bantu groups. ➢ The development of iron working which created a need to be exported beyond their homeland. ➢ They were looking for food because famine had hit them. ➢ Much of the grass had withered therefore they were looking for pasture for their animals. ➢ They faced external attacks from luo pygmies’ people, which made them to migrate. ➢ Diseases like nagana, sleeping sickness that attacked made them to look free disease and pest areas attacked them. ➢ Bandwagon influence. Some migrated because they saw others doing so. ➢ They wanted to adventure beyond their homeland. Summarized notes of the History of South Africa, July 2019 Page | 9 ➢ They wanted to trade their produced iron equipment including knives, spears and arrows. ➢ Natural calamities like flood, locusts, earthquakes which hit them made them to live the homeland. ➢ Development in their political administration necessitated them to go and rule others. ➢ They were nomadic in nature that practiced shifting cultivation there fore without drought they had to migrate from their home land. ➢ Oppressive leadership in their societies.  

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