

 Nationalism simply refers to one’s love for his or her country. It’s the desire for the freedom of one’s state against foreign rule. 

Nationalism is that thinking that puts the consideration of one’s state to be above each and everything. 

The factors for the rise of nationalism and political parties in East Africa were internal and external in nature. 

The following were the factors that led to rising of nationalism and political parties in East Africa:

  • The effects of World War I. It diluted the dignity of the Africans after being exposed to Europe. The whites were clearly known among the East Africans not to be superior as they appeared. 
  • The formation of UNO after World War II that called for democracy.
  •  The development of elite class like Julius Nyerere of Tanzania and Kenyatta of Kenya who thought of liberating East Africa from the whites. 
  • The return of ex-servicemen from World War I and II, for example, Jomo Kenyata. These had leant military tactics. 
  • Development of large political parties, for example, TANU for Tanganyika, KANU for Kenya also became a platform for agitating for independence, hence Nationalism. 
  • The grabbing of African land by Europeans especially in Kenya and Tanzania led to the development of nationalism. 
  • Influence of mass media like radios that called for unity also led to the development of nationalism in East Africa. 
  • Rise of vibrant and foresighted men in East Africa like Apollo Milton Obote in Uganda and Julius Nyerere for Tanzania among others. 
  • Influence of western Education to people like Nyerere, Jomo Kenyatta that changed the thinking and reasoning of East Africans. 
  • The emergence of superpowers like America after World War II that morally and financially supported nationalistic struggles in East Africa.
  • Development of cities like Kampala Nairobi, Mombasa, Kisumu which acted as collecting centres for East African people from where they discussed political issues. 
  • The influence of missionary activities and preaching that enlightened the people of East Africa into thinking for freedom and liberty. 
  • The attainment of independence by the Asian countries like India in1947, which gave support to East African countries. 
  • Economic developments in East Africa, for example after the construction of Uganda railway transport became easy for the Nationalists to mobilize people. Improved transport and communication, therefore, expedited the growth of African Nationalism 
  • The foundation of trade unions that united the East African people, for example, the Busoga Growers Association. 
  • The Success of Algerian war of independence 1954 – 1962 acted as an inspirational factor. 
  •  Development of common language like Swahili for Kenyans and Tanzanians that led to unity. 
  • Role of Mau-Mau movement of Kenya that awakened the Africans the more. 
  • Ghana’s getting of independence in 1957 encouraged East Africans to also pressurize their colonial government to give them independence. 
  • The success of the Egyptian revolution of 1952. Thereafter, Egyptians gave moral support, for example, their Radio Cairo was used by Jomo Kenyatta to attack colonial policies in Kenya. 
  • Formation of OAU, which inspired different countries to get independence. 
  • The oppressive colonial policies into East Africa, for example, forced labour increased African struggle for independence. 
  • Signing of 1941 Atlantic Charter by Roosevelt and Churchill that stressed the importance of self-rule. 
  • The 5th Pan African Congress organised at Manchester in 1955 acted as a platform for African struggle. 
  • Role of the Cold War politics where Russia and America supported different countries to get independence with the hope that they will take on their political ideologies, that is to say socialism by Russian (USSR), and capitalism by the USA. 
  • Role of independent Churches which were religious organization formed by the Africans. They made the Africans aware of the white man's exploitation. 
Note that the factors for the development of East African nationalism are similar to those that led to the development of political parties in E Africa.


  1. Woa
    1. good
  2. Thank you for the explaination
    1. irene nakazzi
  3. am martha aine and you have made me understand history thank you
    1. you are a guineas martha aine from kyebando