
pan africanism explained

Pan-Africanism is the expression of desire for African unity; it’s at some time and expression of sense of unity between all people whose ancestor originally came from Africa i.e. the Africa in Africa and the African in the Daspora. As such assume the common brotherhood of black people everywhere in North America West Indies .Indeed the birth of the idea

Pan-African had its roots outside Africa because of the descendants of the Africa the Negros salves in the new world who felt had been made homeless by their transfer to the foreign countries and subjection to alien culture they felt that they did not belong to, they felt themselves as the orphans of African, alien and strangers in the world of white people who were chiefly interested I there labor only to work in the plantation and hardly interested at all in their personality as men, they felt to themselves as black out as robbed of their dignity and with no claim of being of the same value and equal insight of man.
Pan Africanism was founded by William Sylvester Trinidad lawyer in 1900,who convened the first pan Africanist conference there were few representative from Africa but a big number came from America and the west Indies other were students from London among them was Dr.William E.burghradt Dus Bios an outstanding Negro scholar and prolific writer who later became ‘ the father and the prophet of Pan Africanism” was born in USA 1868 and died in Ghana 1963 at the ripe old age of 95.
He was the founder of national association for advancement of colored people (NAACP) he also led four pan Africanism conference 1919 in Paris attended with 57 colored delegates 1921 London and Brussels, in 1923 in Lisbon Portugal and the fourth was in new York in 1927 the massage of all those conference were that “The habit of democracy should encircle the all world “the emphasis was inter -racialism and Justine
The major of action for pan Africanism was to bring all the black people of African origin under one umbrella of pan – africanism i.e black Africa in the New world and in Africa

·         To  unify all black people in the Diaspora and in Africa
·         To liberate African slaves from slavery in the new world in order to make free citizen
·         To improve the economic status of Africa so that they can be equalized with the European people.
·         To create awareness among the Africans and instill the sprite of Aficanism in them to remove  the inferior complex of the Africans to Europeans
·         To fight colonialism in Africa so as the African can get their self determination
·         It was also their objective to fight for civil rights of African slaves in the new world like freedom of movement, owning property, worship etc.
1.                  It brought solidarity, unity among the  Africans  in their struggle for self determination ,for example through  pan Africanism the Arab north has been  united with the black south under the umbrella of  OAU
2.                  It led to the formation of OAU /AU a body which was responsible to fight for African countries which were still under colonial domination
3.                  Pan –Africanism brought awareness among  the Africans to fight for their independence .
4.                  Pan –Africanism also acted as a body to represent the Africans in world politics, and defended the dignity and personality of the people of Africa through carrying out seminars and conference.
5.                  Pan Africanism provided leadership struggling in Africa. E.g Nkurumah  who became a leader of pan Africanism
6.                  Provided moral and financial support to the Africans who were struggling for their independence.
7.                  It ensure the colonization of African national like Ghana in 1957 Zambia  1964 Malawi 1964 these were as result of pan Africa  pressure to the colonial master .
8.                  Pan Africanism  fought and witnessed the destruction of apartheid policy in south Africa
9.                  It destroyed the UDI in Northern  Rhodesia present day Zimbabwe ,and under Robert Mugabe  Zimbabwe  got her  independence  in 1982
10.              Pan Africanism  movement also played a big role in solving  conflicts among African nations for example between Libya and Chad over the Ouzo strip in 1980
The Manchester conference was the conference that was conserved by Pan Africanists. It was regarded as a turning point in the history of pans Africanism because of the outcome of conference which included the following;
1.                  It was during Manchester conference  where by the leading participants were no longer Negroes of the new world, but a big number of African from home land countries and organization sent delegates like Nkurumah,Kamuzu  Banda,Kenyatta ,Peter Abraham Azikiwe  was himself prevented  from attending the conference but his idea and encouragement  were of great importance,
2.                  It was during the Manchester conference that the headquarters of Pan Africanism were shifted from America to Africa under the leader ship of Nkurumah following the independence of Ghana.
3.                  It was in this conference that  colonialism  was condemned  and was declared  that by all means either peaceful or forceful Africans should get their independence .They  developed a  slogan that “if Europe is for Europeans then Africa is for Africans’
4.                  It was during the Manchester conference that letter was drafted by the delegates warning  all the imperialist countries who were committing excesses to the Africans like  king Leopold  was seriously warned and asked to stop it .
5.                  It was during this conference  that demanded education of Africans and progressive participation in African governments
6.                  In this pan African conference it constrained racial consciousness among Africa and remove inferior complex of the African to the Europeans in political and cultural values.
7.                  It was during the Manchester conference that –Africanism drafted a charter demanding the independence and implementation of civil rights in the colonies especially the human right of the Africans In the colonies .
8.                     It was in this conference where all people from Africa origin demonstrated unity, solidarity and cooperation. This brought awareness and consciousness to the black races to fight for their rights.
Ghana was a British colony originally and it was known as Gold Coast. It began her nationalism in 1868 after the formation of the confederation .In 1920 a modern  political part the national congress of west Africa was formed but with little success of independence .In 1940 another party called united Gold coast foundation was founded under J.B.Danguah  and Nkurumah as  her general  secretary .Ghana was the first country in Africa under the Sahara to attain her independence .Factors that helped Ghana to get her independence  earlier  than other Africa nations included the following;
1.                  The political  part CCP that took over power the conventional people’s party(CCP) enjoyed  overwhelming support in the cocoa growing because of the clear policies and implemental  programs  what would serve the people of Ghana.
2.                  Lack of tribalism in Ghana also played significant role in avoiding disunity in the struggle for independence.
3.                  Also Ghana had develop reasonable social infrastructures that were used by many nationalists in carrying out their campaign  reaching in very corner of the country
4.                  Ghana had no white settler that would have been an obstacle for the struggle of their self determination thus the part for independence was smooth
5.                  English was a common language which many Ghanaians used as a symbol for unity against the colonialists
6.                  Leadership Ghana had a strong leadership of Kwame Nkrumah who devoted all her time and life for the national cause.
7.                  Also external factors  like the independence of India Pakistan and the rise  of USSR in 1917  after  the Bolshevik revolution
The independence of Ghana in 1957 brought new imputes in the struggle for African independence; Ghanaian independence had a great influence on African nationalism in the following ways.

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